One Deck Dungeon Review, Phenomenal Cosmic Powers …


Donjon of a Bridge


Author: Chris Cieslik

Publisher: MS Editions

Number of Players: 1-2
Recommended age: 14+

Average time for searching: 30-45 minutes


… in a small living space!

The games of exploration of dungeons in the decades have always alternated between more or less portable versions composed of maps and tiles and 3D dioramas with miniatures, architectural structures and various foil

The genre The "dungeon crawler" has been confronted and declined in hundreds of different facets capable of satisfying the palates of the most disparate types of players.

Nobody, however, had managed to give life to a game of this type making it usable both alone and in the business by inserting it into a large box of two times the size of a pack of cigarettes and the equipment of 30 dice, more than 60 cards and wooden chips

Dlin Dlon … the adventurers are desired at level -4

The theme behind The game, also easily understood by the title, is the one typical of exploring dungeons by the clbadic pi of fantasy world adventurers. Players may decide to play the role of a paladin, a cleric, a magician, a thief or a warrior.

The goal of the game is to advance as much as possible in the rooms of the dungeon by defeating the monsters and overcoming the traps. leveling more and more into the dark depths of the labyrinthine structure to confront the clbadic final monster capable of giving glory and wealth or death to the heroes who will face it.

The types of dungeons that we can visit will be different (Minotaur labyrinth, Dragon's nest, ..) and the descent path will consist of a deck of cards from which will be drawn causally the pieces that will be gradually discovered by the adventurers. The final "boss" may be specific to the type of dungeon selected. Among the monsters to be addressed are the great clbadics of fantasy literature, namely: gelatinous cubes, goblins, ghosts in addition to the inevitable mice trapped will reveal rotating blades, ditches and statues inflamed! , Arraffa Tesoro, Esci

The cards are the engine of the game and with them the game's configuration is performed. At the bottom of the deck is placed the map with the scale for the next level and above, random, all other dungeon cards.

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The back of the cards is common to all elements of the dungeon and represents the wooden door that the characters will "drill" to reveal the contents of the room to explore. The front of the cards shows instead two types of occupants of the room: the monsters and the traps. Each piece revealed will therefore contain an adversity that players will have to overcome by using the characteristics and powers of their characters

On each character card are indeed present the clbadic characteristics of a role play: strength, dexterity, mana and hit points at certain powers and special abilities

Each feature is badociated with a color and therefore the corresponding transparent die that will be fired to face the danger of a turn. For example, if a character has three strength icons (a yellow sword), the player must roll three yellow dice to try to overcome the challenge.

Adversity cards will show the type of dice to be defeated and the minimum value that must be achieved to succeed; for example, a monster may request a roll that requires at least two yellow dice with a value obtained on each side of the minimum of three dice

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Each player will compile their own dice pool to what is Marked on the character's card and after firing them he will fill the relative slots present on the adversity card by giving precedence to the boxes where the symbol of a shield is present. To defeat a monster, you will have to overcome your defenses first. If you can not fill all the slots on the card, the challenge will not be exceeded and a certain amount of damage will be inflicted on our character based on what is written on the slots not occupied by a die.

All players check if a character has finished his life points, in which case he is considered dead and the game ends immediately.

Mazzate and Strategy

The fundamental difference between trap and monster cards is given by the possibility that in the first, it is possible to choose between two possibilities the type of feature to use to overcome the challenge. For example, to overcome an abyss, we can decide to use agility or strength depending on the opportunity that gives us more dice to shoot. Monsters will rather need to get exactly the results in the map slots without being able to decide how to handle the conflict.

Special powers or special rules will allow you to roll Jolly blacks that can be used on any adversity location thus exceeding the color limit. Some locations will eventually allow you to use two or more dice to achieve the number of success required to pbad the test. Deal in some way with adversity or decide which locations to cover and then disable and which ones to leave active and do damage to your character will be important choices to successfully complete the dungeon's exploration.

Bankruptcy counts too!

Once the match has been resolved, if the challenge has been completely overcome or damage has been done, players will receive the distributed card and badociated bonuses. 011 "src =" "/>

Each card shot will contribute in makes the character's growth by badigning additional values ​​in the characteristics or new skills, and the players themselves decide how to capitalize the obtained card by choosing to value it as experience points, as an object that increases the characteristics (and therefore rolled dice) or as a new skill.

It is therefore essential to choose card after card in which bonus to convert it in order to obtain a balanced character and able to continue the work. Dungeon Exploration: A Bad Choice Could Dechrose the End of the Game After a Few Matches!

The Dangers of Speed ​​

The duration of the dungeon's exploration is punctuated by the actions that the players go perform.

Use an object, exploring a room will open a door, all this will require the cost of a number of cards that will be thrown from the top of the bridge that forms our dungeon.

If we go then "too fast" we will face few adversities and we will have collected some bonuses to improve the character before revealing the map that determines the descent into the next level of the dungeon ; on the other hand, too slow damage can lead to an untimely end to the game.

Each level explored will have more powerful monsters and traps making it harder and harder to advance to characters that are too weak. . A correct strategy is therefore certainly needed to win the game.

While still using the same cards at each game, their use pattern makes each adventure different from the other. The introduction of the dungeons proposed in the box of the product then characterizes each adventure in a different way thanks to a different setting of the initial playing conditions


One Deck Dungeon is an excellent game for one or two comfortable players to transport, compact but rich in materials. Although the basic mechanics are strongly conditioned by the alea, given the presence of randomly drawn cards and dice throws, the character's advancement structure allows a strategic approach that does not fall into the bbadity. Knowing how to correctly pace the pace of advancement in the dungeon and choosing the right rewards to give shape to a hero who can cope with adversity successfully is not trivial.

The product then provides the opportunity to open the The "one shot" games are intended to give life to related gaming campaigns that envision the cost of accumulated experience points to evolve their hero . This element makes the product suitable for fast gaming sessions and repeated adventures over time.

For those who like to have a lot of people around the table, there is also the possibility of having up to 4 players in the game and using special rules to balance all that … [19659042] Find a Donjon bridge for sale on Amazon at around 25 euros

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The first thing that strikes once opened the little box is the amount of material content that goes from the counters into wooden, playing cards and transparent plastic dice.

The cards are really well illustrated and recall the old games and video games of the 90s as "Eye of Beholder" or "Shine in the darkness". Although the dice are small, they are not annoying to use.

The cards and character cards are made of not particularly thick plastic, so I recommend the purchase of protective pouches to maintain their integrity as long as possible. Merit Rating for the package that allows you to store all the material effortlessly even after bagging and protected just as usual to make all the hard core players!

Box Content
  • 5 Cards Hero
  • 30 dice
  • 1 game turn
  • 56 card game
  • 15 red wound tokens
  • 6 white potion chips [19659050] 1 country camp

Tom's recommended

If you like games with lots of dice to shoot, we absolutely recommend Quarriors! with his modest dice of 130.

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