Only 5 euros for 30 Giga of internet, 1000 minutes and 100 SMS: here is Wind All Inclusive Special 5 and how to activate it


For two days, the oldest ex-Wind can activate an extremely attractive tariff. Wind All Inclusive Special 5 offers 1000 minutes, 100 SMS and 30 Giga of internet traffic in 4G at only 5 per month . This is probably the best rate in Italy, with an activation cost of around 10. For this you need to receive an SMS with an invitation to activate the option in a wind shop. , and to receive the SMS must have left the consent for the receipt of commercial messages.

Here is the SMS Winback which receives some old users of Wind, as indicated by MondoMobileWeb:

"the right moment!" July 4, 2018 with 30 GIGA, 1000 minutes and 100 SMS to 5 euros per month Costs d & # 39; activation and information in our stores "

Data traffic can also be exploited in tethering, a factor that makes Wind's proposition even more interesting. It should be noted however: the coverage of Wind is not comparable to that of other operators, and its network uses the 800 MHz band for connection to 4G LTE networks , and no To check the Wind 2G / 3G / 4G coverage, use the tool of the official operator by clicking here

Wind All Inclusive Special 5

  • Calls : 1000 minutes for all national i
  • Messages : 100 SMS to all
  • Internet : 30 Giga
  • Price : 5 per month

How to Activate Vent All Inclusive Special 5, 30 GIGA a 5

To activate the option, you must receive the SMS Winback and make the number portability in which you receive the text message by visiting a Wind Store. The option compatible with the initiative Bring Your Friends through which you can bring to 40 GB the bundle of data available in the package inviting new users to pbad to the operator . When the data traffic is exhausted, the Internet connection continues at a speed of 128 kbps, while the minutes and SMS are "real" and all national numbers, fixed and mobile. The activation cost of 10 .

Wind also offers to its users the offers Wind All Inclusive Special 7 (equal to 5, but with 500 SMS) to 7 per month, and Wind All Inclusive Special 8 which does not differ much from 7 except for the monthly cost, which is 8 per month.

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