Origin Access Premier, the new EA PC subscription arrives


Today Electronic Arts announces that the entries are open to Origin Access Prime the new PC subscription service that guarantees for the first time full access the last titles signed EA. Members can play in advance the latest news, enriched with additional content, game currency and many other basic subscription benefits to over 100 titles constantly updated in The Vault.

Michael Blank Vice President Player Network, said: 's. Origin Access Premier offers players a wide range of content, including all EA PC games. As for the first subscription service, with full access to all games, users can enjoy playing for any reason when and how they want to.

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subscribe Origin Access Premier for access to titles previously launched by EA including:

The next EA titles will also be available in exclusive preview for members of the service : [19659006] Madden NFL 19 Hall of Fame Edition (2 August)

  • FIFA 19 Ultimate Edition (20 September)
  • Battlefield V Deluxe Edition (11 October)
  • Anthem Legion of Dawn (February 15, 2019)
  • ] The cost of the subscription is 14.99 euros if you choose the monthly and 99.99 euros if you opt for the annual subscription. For more information, visit this page.

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