PHENOMENA – "I saw a meteorite in the sky", reports from all over the province


After the sunsets and fairy tales of tonight, shortly before 7 pm, an astronomical phenomenon of a very large spectacular has crossed the sky of Vicenza. Many reports and many testimonials on Facebook and other social networks, from Alta Valle del Chiampo to Bbado Vicentino also pbading by Valdagno and Schio. Not only in Veneto, but also in Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Lazio. The trail of light lasted several seconds and caused a glimmer of blue, according to what was reported in many. The description of the phenomenon leaves little room for the question of whether there is a fireball or a meteoroid. All who have spotted it describe it in the same way: a double core of dazzling white light, followed by an inflamed path. It lasted a few seconds and went out before reaching the ground. The phenomenon was observed particularly in the skies of the Valle del Chiampo and our signalman observed it precisely from the village of Chiampo, towards Verona: "I saw a shooting star descend at a very high speed, perpendicularly as if it was crashing in the sky, I did not have time to photograph it, I was not used to using smartphones ".

The meteoroid is a fragment of rock or metal material (small asteroid), whose dimensions can range from a grain of sand to that of large rocks, even with a diameter of 100 meters. The incoming body becomes a meteor if it disintegrates completely into the atmosphere, generating the phenomenon known as the "shooting star", while it becomes a meteorite. he reaches the ground. Hundreds of meteoroids hit the Earth each year, but these are rarely big enough to cause audible bangs on the ground.

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