problems in sending and receiving messages


Moments of panic for monsters until the bitter end. Shortly after 18 WhatsApp, the messaging application used by almost everyone and in all situations, does not work as it should, with slowdowns and short stops. A little in Italy but especially in the north, in Milan and its surroundings.

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All versions, both the clbadic mobile, which the web, have presented problems in sending and receiving messages. For example, those sent via the web did not always arrive on the desktop, with a lot of warning of non-delivery. And then sometimes they magically appeared on the furniture.

The site, specialized in the "down" of the application, has highlighted about seventy other reports "heavy", especially in Lombardy. In many areas, the problem seems to be solved, but the alert state remains for most people who have been disconnected for a few moments. And they could not send the text message that in some cases could be of vital importance, perhaps in terms of sentimental, professional and environmental.

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