Ratchet & Clank for PlayStation 4 is the most successful game of Insomniac


On the ResetERA forum, the Community Manager of Insomniac Games said that Ratchet & Clank for PlayStation 4 was the studio's biggest hit, at least until today.

" Ratchet & Clank got a Metascore of 85 and is the most popular episode of the series, but also the most successful insomniac game of all time ", these are the words of the manager of the community James Stevenson but did not report the data The sale of the game.

According to some users in the same subject, Ratchet & Clank should have placed about 2.3 million copies in the world, a certainly positive result, that the study probably hopes defeated with Spider-Man, a new game dedicated to the famous Marvel hero arriving Sept. 7 exclusively on PlayStation 4. [19659004] function cc_launch_facebook_pixel () {
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