refunds established for customers »


Davide Raia

After choosing to eliminate the additional costs of using the Hotspot feature of the smartphone, Vodafone is about to emit a series of refunds to its customers which, between the end of February and the month of June, used this function for remuneration. Here are all the details on incoming refunds for the operator's customers.

Since June 20, the hotspot function is free for all Vodafone customers

Vodafone has announced the issuance of a series of refunds for customers who have used the hotspot feature of the smartphone to share the Giga of the device with other devices. own tariff plan. Until a few weeks ago, unlike what has happened for some time with all major suppliers, this useful feature was only available at a base rate every day this function was activated.

Mobile Phone announced that all users who used the paid hotspot feature between February 26, 2018 and June 20 will receive a refund equal to the costs incurred to access this feature. The terms and timing of the refund will be communicated to users by means of a special SMS, for customers with rechargeable SIM cards, or invoices, for subscribed customers.
1000 minutes, 1000 SMS and 10 GB at 9.99 Euro with Vodafone Simple +

Free Hotspot for all Vodafone customers

Starting June 20 following the instructions of Agcom, Vodafone used the hotspot feature of his smartphone ] for free. Basically, all mobile operator customers, with rechargeable or subscription, have the option to share the Giga of their tariff plan at no extra charge.

Previously, this option was available exclusively to customers who activated the Vodafone Exclusive option at the price of € 1.90 per month which, in addition to the ability to use the no charge hotspot feature additional, offers other bonuses such as, for example, a free ticket to the cinema every month. To date, however, all Vodafone offers include the option of using the hotspot feature at no additional cost.

Consultation of the comparator of for the offers Vodafone it is possible to identify all operator rates currently available. All offers presented include the option of using the hotspot at no extra charge.

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