Review of the Nintendo Switch version


The Italian independent development scene has never been so prosperous. In the last few years, a number of independent studies have opened shop along the boot, reporting on more than one successful occasion of their own – without a doubt – small ones productions. It is necessary to count among these also Antab Studio name that Lara Gianotti and Andrea Tabacco chose to sign their titles. Among the games developed by Antab, some shooters with a strong retro soul. The champion of this stable is definitely GRIDD: Retroenhanced, especially on rails son of fun experiences of the 90s as Starfox or Panzer Dragoon .
This vintage style shooter hits Switch through the joint effort of Antab and the publisher Kongregate, after getting a good response from critics following the release on Xbox One and Steam. With its striking aestheticism of the 80s neon pink and blue, the tricolor work has amused us with its immediacy, reserving even the surprise of a beautiful addition, aimed at exploiting the characteristics of the hybrid marked Kyoto.

Acceptable in the 80s

The first aspect that strikes buyers, once downloaded GRIDD is the thinness of the menu. In practice, the software – offered at an extremely reasonable price of 12 € – offers only two modes of play. Available from the first start is the mode Arcade where players will be called to wear the shoes of an anonymous hacker who wants to penetrate a difficult mainframe.

The aesthetics of GRIDD is reminiscent of a science-fiction milestone of the 1980s, which Tron with Disney presented at most a primitive idea of ​​cyberspace. Just like in the adventure of Jeff Bridges, the bad guy on duty is represented by a huge fluctuating face, very little available for compromise. To access the data contained in the heart of this digital memory, the players will have to take a single tortuous path that unfolds between the digital traps, the purple lasers and the henchmen of the firewall. The spacecraft has the ability to shoot any obstacle between it and the target set, but it is precisely here that GRIDD shows the side to some perplexities.

The aiming system of the photonic canons is automatic, so players must be careful to fly in the right direction and hold the button down to shoot. Too bad this system failed more than once, shooting the balls at the disposal of the user towards useless or even harmful targets, like some reflective surfaces. If this failure deserves to be heard, we do not want to criticize the high level of difficulty of the gaming experience developed by the Italian study. GRIDD: Retroenhanced becomes a vector of a game idea from a distant time, where the separation between the child and the man was marked by the number of tokens used to see the credits scroll down the screen of the cabin. Similarly, GRIDD does not offer discounts: we will have to sweat the seven proverbial shirts to get to the end of the Arcade mode, while we will have to put another pair on the account in case we would decide to attack that ] endlessly . This variant, usable only after having completed the aforementioned Arcade, is presumably the true remedy of GRIDD: Retroenhanced . In this very long journey developed gradually, step by step, things will get more and more difficult, with the increase of enemies and the ever increasing pace of obstacles of all kinds. So we must keep our eyes wide open by playing in Endless, trying to catch as soon as possible the power-ups that the game gives from time to time. There are not so many upgrades, but only those that increase the rate of fire or add a defensive shield, but they can really make the difference between survival and defeat.

Now you play with power

] If playing in handheld mode can cause discomfort to more than one player, because of the visual orgy not always fully readable , leave Switch in his dock allows you to enjoy the novelty introduced with this port: power . In this particular variant on the subject, the command will no longer be badigned to the badog stick, but rather to the gyroscope hidden between the Joy-Con circuits. The small controller must be grasped with one hand, holding it in the fist and leaving the thumb on the backbone, which has now become a trigger.

Older players will remember the Powerglove unfortunate tester designed for the NES thirty years ago. This mode of GRIDD: Retroenhanced wants to give back this feeling, and it succeeds very well, even for very short sessions: play more than twenty minutes with the arm extended to the television, it is waking up the next day with lactic acid each muscle fiber. Nothing forbidden, in any case, to manipulate the simple Joy-Con as if the game inserted in the console was Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, then tilt the small device to the left and to the right, for much more convenient use

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