Rockstar Games denies the release of GTA 6 in 2019


Rockstar Games the company that develops games dedicated to the series GTA wishes to point out that the next video game, GTA 6 will not be released in 2019. In this clarified a doubt circulating among the players of GTA Online : playing, a pop-up window confirms the arrival of the next title Rockstar in 2019 and to go on the developer's official website for more information.

The video game house published, the Twitter the denial of this news, explaining that what was shown was only the fruit of the imagination of some modder (people who literally change the game, add content, or edit others) very well.

The message of the arrival of GTA 6

The message that users around the world posted rang the bell alarm last week, first on the console PlayStation 3 and, subsequently, the PC . The players who were currently connected, of course, were stupid by this news, especially knowing the success of GTA 5 and the wide variety of activities that can be performed in the game.

Unfortunately, or luckily (according to the point of view, considering that a new game costs about 60 or 70 euros), there is only one bufala . There is also a logical explanation of why the next title can not come next year. First of all, it was not presented, so it is not possible to show something unexpectedly: it would be counterproductive for the company (hype zero). In addition, currently the Rockstar Games are engaged on Red Dead Redemption 2 to be published shortly October 26 (with a year behind the road map).

So since the developers are already very busy with a game, it would be unthinkable to make a second one, with the risk of not having the perfect video game due to possible bugs, or d & # 39; Embarrbading errors. So, we will have to wait at least 2020 .

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