Samsung Galaxy Note 9: new details on specifications. Battery News


Samsung Galaxy Note 9 will arrive on August 9th. The South Korean company has just published the official invitation to the presentation of Unpacked for the new phablette two days ago that according to the latest rumors should confirm many aspects already seen with the note 8 but also introduce some really interesting technological innovations, first and foremost those of the S Pen.

In the last hours the indiscretion has intensified thanks to the usual known journalist Eldar Murtazin, who seems to have already had the opportunity to glimpse of having in hand the new Galaxy Note 9 from Samsung. Here, in order not to miss anything, Eldar has decided to reveal as much as possible some features of this new preview of the device.

The journalist first reveals some details of the drawing and specifies it here as the new 9 will not have too many differences compared to what has already been seen with Note 8 . At first glance, it will be difficult to understand the differences between one device and another, especially with regard to the front of the smartphone. On the back, the fingerprint sensor will no longer be next to the camera but just below as with the Galaxy S9 +. This to make the design more consistent between the two series but especially to make even more convenient access to the unlock system that with S8 had talked too much.

On the technical side, the new Galaxy Note 9 will clearly see a hardware upgrade with the new Snapdragon 84 5 for some countries and for others, including Italy. will have the presence of Exynos 9810. These processors, Samsung, would be willing to badociate 6 or 8GB of RAM according to the market and a storage that could even reach the 512GB for the most demanding.

However, the generational increase on the battery segment is interesting. Here the indiscretions of Eldar speak of a remarkable step forward. Yes, because Samsung would have positioned a battery of 4000 mAh able to exceed by far the current performance of the Galaxy that can play a video continuously during over 25 hours and above all be able to remain active until the end of the day. two days . The field test will be needed clearly but if Samsung had really managed to increase so much the autonomy of its Note 9 certainly it would be one of the main novelties of the phablette.

The display should be virtually the same Super AMOLED already seen last year with Note 8 although in this case it seems that the company decided to increase the brightness, which we we already remember reached important values. The indiscretion for which the South Korean company would work hard for to improve Always On Display especially on the energy side should also be underlined. Unfortunately, this new version will not arrive on the smartphone until next year

The news will also come to the camera with improved performance of the double back cam thanks to an even better optimization than the Last year with Note 8. Not only because note 9 will also improve on optical stabilization which, according to Eldar, is more accurate than last year.

Finally an important part of Samsung's new Galaxy Note 9 will be its S Pen. This year will once again become one of the main attractions of the public with the support of Bluetooth and new software features. These indiscretions would be joined to those already outsourced by others and see a new S Pen able to take pictures remotely or even slide the slides of some presentation . All that is missing is the selling price of the new Samsung device, which could even be established on € 1,079. In short, a Galaxy Note 9 ready to replace the current Note 8 which, according to Murtazin, will no longer be sold by Samsung to the presentation of the new generation.

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