Samsung Galaxy X: smartphone or foldable game phone? | Rumors | new


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Samsung is almost ready. The first folding smartphone could be official as early as next year. Although there are hundreds of renderings and rumors on the network, there is still no clear picture of how the terminal will actually be.

The only more or less certain news, circulating until a few hours ago, concerned the name. It seemed that the South Korean giant had decided to call the flagship Galaxy X . Apparently however, at least according to a well-known Chinese leaker, Samsung would have chosen another name for the terminal. On the other hand, Galaxy X could be the company's first gaming phone .

BTW, foldable smartphone is not named Galaxy X.

– 萌萌 的 电教 (@MMDDJ_) July 23, 2018

The first collapsible Samsung smartphone has an unknown name, like a lot of technical data

This is certainly not the first time the company has changed its name for its products under development. However, this is certainly not the most important detail. Most of the technical details relating to the terminal are still unknown.

A particular curiosity clearly evokes the technology concerning the type of flexible display . Despite numerous patent images, there is still no clear information on its technology .

Similarly, the battery should be structured in a manner consistent with the structure of the smartphone. Therefore, it could be flexible or housed in a point of the device not subject to bending.

And if "Galaxy X" was the name of a new gaming smartphone?

The same fugitive, known to have anticipated several novelties of Samsung also predicted that the South Korean giant would work on a gaming phone . Not only that, the news on the name "Galaxy X" would have been included in an indiscretion retweet on the gaming smartphone.

Thus, it is possible that Samsung Galaxy X is the first gaming device of the South Korean giant. If this were the case, the company could eliminate Note's line-up, merging it with the Galaxy S flagship, and add the one dedicated to gaming smartphones.

In any case, they are conjectures built on rumors and indiscretions. Therefore, it is necessary to take any information with the clamp, waiting for the first confirmations.

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