Sean Murray breaks the silence and returns to talk about the game's launch


Originally released in 2016, the first version of No Man's Sky arrived on the market overloaded with expectations by players.

Expectations which, as you will recall, were widely disappointed series of criticisms addressed to Hello Games and in particular to Sean Murray who had advertised the game to many times. Following the previous three expansions and the even more important update of NEXT, Murray finally broke his silence for several months and came back to talk about the traumatic beginnings of the game.

"The Internet is very good at recognizing when someone 39; a a It is not necessarily good to give an answer, but he knows very well when someone does damage, we made a big mistake on the communication I never liked talking to the press, I never liked it, and when I did, I was naive and over excited about my game. I regret, or that I wanted to do differently ". they have never been implemented in the first day, and the discontent created around the title has even brought someone to threaten death Sean Murray .

"I remember receiving death threats because I remember thinking: Maybe when you threaten to die because of butterflies in a game, you may be wrong"

lack of certain features, Murray remains convinced that was launched exactly as the software house intended to propose it on the first day.The version of day 1 would form the basis for further expansions that we then saw happen during those months.

" No Man's Sky was what we wanted to be when it was launched. We have always talked about the feeling that we are trying to land on a planet where there has never been anyone else. "

No Man's Sky NEXT will arrive on July 24 and will enrich the game with the multiplayer and third person mode, as well as many other new features. The game will also debut on full Xbox One with all its game content.

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