signs. A Ford Fiesta loses control and takes control of the center of Via Montelanico. Father and daughter leave the cockpit with injuries not particularly serious


SIGNS For reasons still to clear up, around noon today, July 8, on Via Montelanico, just outside the city, a black Ford Fiesta left the road to return after

This stretch of road was particularly busy this morning because the historical reconstruction of the Colleferro-Segni di motorcycling Chronoscale – with consequent closure to the traffic of Via Traiana between Segni and Colleferro – the motorists leaving Segni with direction Colleferro

In addition to cars, the section of the road was also affected by heavy motorcycle traffic that did not participate in the race but were part of the "circus" of the motorcycle race.

The Ford Fiesta was then out of the country and, perhaps for a distraction, must have put the right wheels in the gutter, in this stretch not really livel lata …
L & # 39; one of the ditches in the recess of the road was to be a trampoline so that the car, now uncontrollable, pbaded through and then reversed and ended the race in the middle of the right lane resting on the trampoline. asphalt with side panel

Despite the carom, the occupants of the car did not report any particularly serious injuries even though they were transported to the hospital for investigation of the case.

intervened the carabinieri of the local station and the agents of the local police, with much to do especially for the management of the traffic.


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