Skip to Tim da Vodafone: Here are the boom offers today 23 July 2018 with up to 50Gb in 4G


  Here are the boom deals today 23 July 2018 with up to 50 Gb in 4G for those who pbad to Tim da Vodafone and other mobile operators.

Who pbades to Tim of Vodafone or other mobile operators today 23 July 2018 will have the opportunity to activate super bid thanks to which you can receive up to 50 GB of internet to surf at the maximum speed of 4G, minutes and messages. Here are all the info about it

Offers for those who pbad to Tim today July 23, 2018

Those who pbad to Tim da Vodafone may activate the special promotion " Ten Go One 50 GB "For a cost of only 10 euros per month. Thanks to this, you will receive unlimited minutes for all numbers and 50 GB of internet in 4G. If you come from Wind, Tre Italia, Mobile Station, Fastweb and a few virtual operators, you can activate " Ten Go 30 Gb " with which, at the price of 10.82 euros per month, you will receive 1000 minutes to all numbers and 30 GB of Internet at the maximum speed of 4G. Finally, those who will pbad from one of countless national operators to Tim will still be able to activate " Special Top 20 GB ". It will cost 10.82 euros a month and will offer unlimited minutes to all numbers and 20 GB of the Internet in 4G

Skip to Tim: Here are the main offers today 23 July 2018

Who comes from Wind, Tre Italia and other virtual operators that will be communicated by the center Tim in which we will go for number portability will activate " Special Top Plus Free 17GB ". The cost will be 10.82 euros forever while the first month will cost only 10 euros. Against this figure, you will receive 1000 minutes to all and 20 GB in 4G. The initial cost will be 25 euros, which includes the cost of activation or 9 euros, the first month, SIM card and 1 credit remaining euros.

Finally everyone can activate " Tim 10 SuperGo plus GB Free ". The cost will be 10 euros per month for the first 6 months then 12 euros. It will offer 1000 minutes to all national landline and mobile numbers as well as 20 GB of internet to navigate at the maximum speed of 4G. Also for this offer the initial cost will be 25 euros for the remaining credit, the activation, the offer and the cost of the SIM card.

Read also: Pbading Tim against Wind, Vodafone, Tre Italia and Iliad: they arrive offers a roar with a concert in 4G

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