Spam calls will now be completely hidden


Anyone with a phone is familiar with the "problem" of spam calls . This is telephone calls made by different call centers, aimed at selling a specific product and / or service. The most clbadic example concerns tenders for the supply of electricity, but they concern the most disparate sectors and, most often, in one day, you may receive several unwanted telephone calls . In an attempt to counter this phenomenon, which deteriorates the user experience of the smartphone offered to the customer, Google has incorporated a useful anti-spam function in the Google Phone application. Basically, if a call came from a suspicious number (this decision is made taking into account the opinion of the Google community), a banner would have been displayed on the screen with the notification & # 39; Spam possible & # 39; ].

Up to now, therefore, there was no blocking on the call itself, but a simple notification. The new update of the Google Phone app further enhances this feature. In practice, when you receive a spam call, the phone does not ring and hides it completely . This function is not limited to preventing the phone from ringing, but also prevents the reception of informative SMS messages aimed at informing the user of the incoming call.

If the above feature is active, the call center will be immediately forwarded to the answering machine. In any case, although the call is completely hidden, there remains recorded in the call log . In this way, if it 's been an error, it will be possible to contact the offending number again. In the latter case, it will also be possible to provide feedback to Google about the error.

To enable this function, simply go to the settings in the "Phone & # 39; and go to "Caller ID and Spam". At this point, you can enable the selection "Spam Filter for Calls" to enable this feature.

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