Starfield, TES VI and a hypothetical Fallout 5 will focus on the single player


As you know, Fallout 76 unlike the previous chapters of the RPG series, will be strongly characterized by the online multiplayer component. Todd Howard of Bethesda wanted to clarify that the next chapters of the company's most famous and beloved series will continue to focus on the only player.

Asked about the nature of what will be the next titles Bethesda including The Elder Scrolls VI, Starfield and a hypothetical Fallout 5 Todd Howard said :

"For these games, we want to stay on the only player.It is the goal on which we will focus, if they have social aspects that we have not still implemented, but we will treat them all independently of each other ".

Howard then spoke of improvements made by Bethesda to make Fallout 76 a better product than the previous chapter of the series.The presence of a renewed lighting system is confirmed, a new landscape generation tool, a more advanced AI, cross-quests, and a more accurate scoring system Starfield, and more The Elder Scroll s VI will present – badures Howard – a number of changes and improvements superior to all previous titles Bethesda .

Recall that Fallout 76 is expected on PC, PS4 and Xbox One on November 14th. Sony has not provided support for activation in cross-play mode.

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