Tencent does not stop and buys a "piece" of PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds


On a mission to build a video game empire. Tencent does not seem to want to stop and after finding an agreement with Bluehole, developer of Battlegrounds PlayerUnknown, the game that launched the recent phenomenon of the royal battle, to bring its title in China, the company bought these last 10% of his actions. A total investment of about $ 500 million, including some US companies.

THE OPPORTUNITY – Negotiations at the moment remain unofficial, with both parties intending to finalize the details, according to The Wall Street Journal. For Tencent, it would be the umpteenth addition to a market – video games – that offers them great opportunities to expand their range, extending their reach to all the sectors that count PC platforms, streaming, eSports and games for smartphones. There is even a city center project dedicated to competitive gaming in Wuhu, China, where it is planned to create an "electronic sports theme park" in which universities and data centers can be established [19659004]. the automotive industry, messaging applications and, of course, video games between streaming, eSports and mobile. ” width=”620″ height=”349″ srcset=”https://static-esports.gazzettaobjects.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/20/52/tencent-300×169.jpg?v=20180703160000 300w, https://static-esports.gazzettaobjects.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/20/52/tencent-768×432.jpg?v=20180703160000 768w, https://static-esports.gazzettaobjects.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/20/52/tencent-1024×576.jpg?v=20180703160000 1024w, https://static-esports.gazzettaobjects.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/20/52/tencent-218×123.jpg?v=20180703160000 218w, https://static-esports.gazzettaobjects.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/20/52/tencent-320×180.jpg?v=20180703160000 320w, https://static-esports.gazzettaobjects.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/20/52/tencent-436×246.jpg?v=20180703160000 436w, https://static-esports.gazzettaobjects.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/20/52/tencent-894×504.jpg?v=20180703160000 894w, https://static-esports.gazzettaobjects.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/20/52/tencent-620×349.jpg?v=20180703160000 620w, https://static-esports.gazzettaobjects.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/20/52/tencent-1081×608.jpg?v=20180703160000 1081w” sizes=”(max-width: 620px) 100vw, 620px”/>

The ramifications of Tencent involve the automotive industry, messaging applications and, of course, video games between streaming, eSport and

THE STRENGTH OF THE ROYAL BATTLE – And if you want a Further proof that Tencent wants to have the foot in every shoe that counts, consider this: in addition to investing in Bluehole, he owns 48% of Epic Games, he is the author of Fornite, the game that is populating everywhere and whose first season of eSports will offer a colossal jackpot of 100 million dollars in total. At E3, the Celebrity Pro Am, which involved professional players and VIP entertainment and sports, brought together more than 1.7 million users simultaneously. PUBG is certainly less media-friendly than its competitor but with 400 million users (including 227 million active each month) can not be underestimated.

FROM TESLA TO WECHAT – The general offshoot of Tencent's business is incredible. The company run by general manager Ma Huateng has hands in pasta in many areas. Already this video game is impressive and would be enough to highlight a financial strength to watch. In recent years, he has invested in Ubisoft, Glu Mobile and Activision Blizzard, not to mention the excellent acquisitions of Riot Games and Supercell which, in a word, give him control of two heavyweights like League of Legends and Clash Royale. Tencent, however, also owns WeChat, the largest Chinese messaging application, has a stake in Tesla's automotive company of Elon Musk, has invested in Didi (Uber of China) and also in Snap Inc., which is the creator of the famous

  Bluehole PlayerUnknown Battlefield Collects 400 Million Users

Bluehole PlayerUnknown Battlefield Gathers 400 Million Users

OVUNQUE – League of Legends, Clash Royale, Provided, PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds, Rainbow Six Siege: The common denominator of investment in Tencent video games is eSports, a constantly growing business figure every year. The reason why the Chinese company has also financially supported the streaming platforms that, in China and not only, represent the new television of the youngest. Doutyu and Huya TV were the two major companies in which they invested more than a billion dollars during the first months of this year. Battle Royale is the latest trend: pbadionate users spend more, play more and watch more directly on the video, and represent a gluttonous audience. So, if Fortnite and Battlegrounds end up in court, Tencent cares little about it: he believes (and invests) in both. Whoever wins wins Tencent

Mbadimiliano Di Marco @msmdimarco

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