the best games to recover in the summer


Bravely fighting volcanic temperatures and the combined attacks of mosquito strips the size of a small tourist plane, many players spend the summer period recovering some video game beads that, for another, they escaped him during the cold months. A noble goal that allows fans to maintain a healthy lunar color and complete their cultural baggage with some valuable experiences. Just to help you resist the tanning call, we have compiled for you a list of some of the most interesting games from the first half of this very rich 2018. A total of 12 titles including Triple A products and independent productions, which you should definitely recover before the next change of closet, possibly with the feet soaked in an inflatable pool full of sangria.

Monster Hunter World

What could be better for fooling the effects – potentially – neutralizing the scorching sun if you do not go on a monster hunt, maybe in the company of # 39, a trio of friends and a cool and refreshing beer? Released in January last year, Monster Hunter World has appeared on the multiplatform market as the biggest turning point in the historic Capcom saga.

A product capable of perfectly harmonizing tradition and innovation, with a sophisticated and satisfying playful formula, made much more accessible thanks to design choices closer to the general public. A prodigy " grind-time " that could easily banish from your summer evenings this annoying friendly mbad that people call "social life". This not to mention the pleasant contribution of a Legian breath to the refrigeration of your municoli.

An issue

If the average of your summer nights is part of the canon of " A night of lions ", planned as the prequel to the famous " Una mattina da gonad ", then Josef Fares is probably the person with whom you would like to have a good holiday with a high rate of self destruction. In addition to being, in all likelihood, an excellent spouse, the Swedish director is also a very talented game designer, as evidenced by his latest project.

A Way Out is a cooperative adventure characterized by an ever evolving playful formula, linked to a well-thought rhythmic progression, which alternates tense moments with other more intimate and introspective moments. . Not a great story but certainly a good story, actually filtered by the directorial eye of Fares, which features awesome camera games. Radical, innovative and engaging, A Way Out is definitely a good way to fill a summer evening with 6 hours of emotions and fun.

Shadow of the Colossus

The awesome remake of Bluepoint Games is probably the title. who, more than all the others in this list, embodies the concept of "compulsory collection". So, it is not particularly important to the seasonal location, the imperative concerns more than anything else the cosmic need to add to the video game program the outstanding work of Fumito Ueda, probably one of the best games of all time.

Considering the subtle but important differences between the original work and the Shadow of the Colossus remake, many might consider the aforementioned suggestion as a kind of heresy. Yet, the title in question is a great way to tackle or rediscover a title that, 13 years after the release of the original version, still manages to overwhelm the players with a wonderful concert of silent storytelling and visual poetry, pillars of a masterpiece game design and artistic sensibility.
In a nutshell: make it yours

God of War

If your gameplay includes a PS4, there is a good chance that you have already unearthed the excellent bone playful symphony orchestrated by Cory Barlog and Santa Monica Studio. In case you have not done it yet (a minute of disapproving looks follows), we can only advise you to dampen the heat of the coming weeks with an exciting visit to the northern lands of God of War .

The beginning of the mighty Kratos in the field of action / adventure tells a touching story full of pathos, succeeding in the company to totally change the face of the saga leaving intact however the. the most furious soul. A narration at the highest level accompanies a deep and satisfying gameplay, for an exclusivity capable of setting a new standard in terms of quality, even from a technical point of view.

Detroit Become Human

The Last Adventure of Quantic Dream is probably the highest point of junction between the movie and the video game, as well as the best title born in the spirit of David Cage . The exclusive PlayStation offers the public an articulate and exciting story, which players can forge at will with every choice made through the eyes of the three android protagonists.

A recipe that brings to its peak the concept of free will applied to storytelling, for a story that, although with some qualitative inflections, does not fail to attract users in a future that resonates , sometimes surprisingly, with some of the hottest topics of our present. An excellent opportunity to enrich an evening of pizza and movies with a handful of video game interactivity, perhaps benefiting to bring in the middle non-players of your gang.

Mario Tennis Aces

Ten do not want to try out tennis courts at Mario Tennis Aces with temperatures of over 18 degrees Celsius, the latest Nintendo exclusive remains a great way to fill a delirious sportsman to every minute of your hard-earned vacation. A particularly relevant adjective, given that extended summer sessions can bring players' perspiration to clinically relevant levels, such as " August 15 in Kabul ".

A disc supported by an electrifying and surprisingly deep play sector, which gives life to convincing theses and matches, especially on the multiplayer side. Despite the weakness of the solo adventure, indeed, tackling the field with friends or online challengers can offer great satisfactions, often measured by imprecatory acrobatics of some value , always justified by the great competitive tension. to recover absolutely provided that you are not afraid to break a friendship with racket shots.

Yoku's Island Express

An excellent adjective to describe Villa Gorilla's latest work is " refreshing ." So, what better game to fill the long days of this summer video game? With its hybrid formula, which combines platforms and pinball machines in a structured world in the style of clbadic metroidvania, the Yoku Island Express is a concentrate of creativity and uncommon discovery.

A very special recipe that gives life to a rich and stimulating gameplay, which rewards the curiosity and promptness of the reflexes, in the embrace of a pleasant and colorful setting. The title of Villa Gorilla is available for all gaming machines of this generation, and you should really consider the idea of ​​giving it an opportunity if only to reward the courage and expertise of its authors.


In the icy world of an alternative version of the nineteenth century, in a world struck by a new and terrible glaciation, Frostpunk is a very particular management system characterized by a marked survival dynamics. At the head of a community looking for a place to survive freeze bites, we will have to do our best to keep our establishment alive and, as much as possible, inviting.

In fact, our destiny will be tied to the moods that hover in the streets of the colony, and to failure will also come the exile at the hour of the ice. Frostpunk is a gem of a video game with a strong and multiform identity that, despite some obvious flaws, feeds complex and challenging gameplay. So, between us, when will you ever be able to say "I died of cold" with 35 degrees in the shade?


The approach of the holidays filled your heart with exaggerated optimism and positivity? We have for you the perfect care of this odious paretic smile which has ruined your generally sinister and bitter face. Celeste is a two-dimensional racing platform, with a level of challenge that sometimes falls fully in the field of advanced sadomasochism.

In addition to providing an exceptionally challenging and exceptionally challenging play area, the work of Matt Makes Games is also a delicate tale about depression that encloses a beautiful allegory of existence: it does not matter which companies are seen before, the slogan is " never gives up ". Even when the midday sun blew the pigeons in a cloud of flaming feathers


Fruit of the work of four young developers and fantastic flair for the talent of Devolver Digital, Minit is a gem of game design, timidly hidden behind the zest of a minimalist and minimalist graphic area, which seems to be ripped off in the era of the glorious Game Boy. In the appearance of a duck sentenced to die every 60 seconds for the effects of a curse, unfortunately unleashed by the discovery of a magic sword, we will try to free ourselves from harm by exploring a bichromatic world overloaded with puzzles to solve

A remarkable undertaking, considering that at the end of every minute, our billed avatar will end up projected to the last checkpoint , with another 60 seconds of life to invest with a lot of parsimony. An experience outside the box that exudes courage, creativity and a touch of madness, very suitable for filling dead times during a sea transfer.

Forgotton Anne

Strong of an outstanding artistic sector, openly inspired by the recognizable style of the exquisite Studio Ghibli, Forgotten Anne is a graphic adventure that drives the player into a parallel world, inhabited by animated objects called " forgotten ". Armed with a weapon capable of manipulating the soul of these weird characters, in the role of protagonist Anne, we will have to investigate the plan of a dangerous terrorist organization, led by the mysterious Mr. Fig. .

A tale of delicate colors characterized by an exceptional narrative quality, unfortunately counterbalanced by a rigid gameplay and essentially devoid of any factor of challenge. Forgotten Anne nevertheless remains a memorable experience, which undoubtedly deserves the attention of vacationers vacationers.

The Red Strings Club

Closes the list of " Tasks for the summer " The Red Strings Club, a wonderful point and click adventure in a cyberpunk world painted with rich touches of pixel art. As in the previous title Deconstructeam, also in The Red Strings Club the player will not be in the lead of a single protagonist, but in front of a sequence of scenes characterized by impeccable writing and an avalanche of choice multiple rounds and decision making.

The Valencian team's play is a mix of mature themes, narrative rhythm and style, and offers one of the most intelligent and original interpretations of sci-fi imagery codified by Gibson and his colleagues. If you had a half to sacrifice your summer on the hype of for Cyberpunk 2077 then the Red Strings Club could offer you a tasty palliative. Among those who are not forgotten.

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