The cover of the iPhone with airbags


June 30, 2018 – One of the most recurring nightmares among users of a smartphone is to see his device fall to the ground just days after the purchase. Scratches, damage, broken screens, the consequences of a fall for a phone are all but pleasant.

A fear that will surely prove to all consumers who spent a thousand euros to buy the iPhone X. For the first few days, we paid particular attention to each movement with the Apple phone top of range. Over the weeks and months, however, it is normal to pay less attention when we put the device on the desk or when we remove it from the pocket while we also have other items on hand. Fortunately, there is a new iPhone cover that can help us better protect our signed smartphone Cupertino . An engineer from the Aalen University in Germany, Philip Frenzel, has just invented the first smartphone cover with airbags .

How Does the iPhone Airbag Cover

? Frenzel engineer is simple: has created a simple iPhone case with the four outer edges of the smartphone built-in airbags, in case of falling or d & # 39; A very strong blow the airbags are activated and come out of their housing to protect them the screen and the shell of our melafonino . These are not real bearings like in cars, but eight metal hooks with shocks two on each side, which bounce off the phone when it breaks down. The system recognizes automatically when the iPhone is in free fall and automatically opens the eight "airbags". Frenzel badured that thanks to this cover will be impossible to break the screen of the iPhone.

Frenzel has already filed the patent and, in the future, several iPhone-producing companies could focus on an anti-shock system similar to this one. For now, however, Frenzel is trying to improve the appearance of the airbags and reduce the bugs that sometimes cause random openings, something quite uncomfortable if it happens when we have the iPhone in his pocket. function (d, s, id) {
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