The Do not Disturb panel will arrive: Facebook and Instagram can pause


AFTER the phase of addiction and dopamine galore, the opposite of digital paternalism is unleashed. After all, it's true: the smartphone, and the environments that give us access to every moment of our lives, we check it dozens of times a day. Some compulsively. Several studies speak of a range between 80 and 120 sessions every 24 hours. On the other hand, if one enlarges to the simple touch, that is to say to the almost ancestral appeal of the object, the figure stands for thousands of time. For this reason, Apple and Android will introduce in new versions of their operating systems – respectively iOS 12 and Android P – ways to make devices less invasive. Indeed, to help us fight addiction.

On the other hand, the subject was recently expressed Tim Cook the big boss of Apple: "Honestly, we've never wanted people to exaggerate with the Use of our products and we have tried to think deeply about how we can help them – he explained – we want people to be pushed by their phones to do things that they could not do otherwise, but if you spend all your time on the phone, it means you spend too much time on the phone. The words that discussed

  The sign will come

Now even Facebook and Instagram seem to want to walk in this direction. Which would make the new detox trend even more profound and effective: indeed, the operating systems that give us a hand are an account but if even the most downloaded and used applications of history think introduce a "pause" mode, then changes. On the one hand, indeed, certify our defeat on all fronts: we are not able to disconnect ourselves so we need the "Do not disturb". On the other hand, it is true that users can have more control and try to work step by step on their most hidden obsessions.

According to the Web site TechCrunch in fact, the blue social network that the videophotographic application (just launched more than one billion users) would test the modes "Ne not disturb ". Already many observers, specialized and experienced experts have identified the innovations in the versions of their applications. Basically, there is a switch that will enable or disable push notifications and, perhaps, other types of warnings and annoyances. . All for 30 minutes, one hour, two hours, eight hours, one day or until they are reactivated. In reality, it would already be possible to prevent the application from taking too much freedom, but in this case, everything is easier, you do not need to dig too much in the settings. Turn it off for a moment and goodbye.

  The sign will arrive

A few months ago also Kevin Systrom co-founder of Instagram, had explained that the application was working on a kind of screen summarize the way we use the application. Virando so more about Apple and Android: iOS 12, in addition to having enriched the types of "Do not disturb" in the operating system, will have a dashboard where to view schedules and modes of operation. Use of the iPhone, what apps we open and even how often we hold the phone. Android P will allow us to set timers to limit the use of specific applications.

  The panel will arrive

Meanwhile, Instagram has announced a new feature that, at least a bit, should help us spend less time in front of thousands of photos and clips: "You're all Caught Up, "a kind of" You're done, you're ok, you've seen them all "that block the scrolling of the application when the user has finished seeing the posts of the last two days. Obviously, in the world of digital nudging, everything can be overcome with one or two contacts: you can ignore the message and continue on the photos and videos already seen. "We know that it can be difficult to keep track of messages already seen – explained the workgroup of the application – with this message you will better understand your display board and you will know that you have not lost anything recently ". But you will also avoid wasting time rediscovering things already seen.

Returning to Facebook, it seems that "Do not disturb" will be available for iOS and Android and both in these weeks will be tested in the first environment. It seems that in addition to push notifications, the vibration and other sound warning could be silenced too. Something similar, so far beyond "You're All Caught Up", should also happen on Instagram

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