The eclipse arrives, the longest red moon of the century


Show immediately after sunset

The phenomenon is also visible from Italy. The totality will last even 103 minutes. Next to our satellite there will be Mars, very brilliant and very close to the Earth


by Andrea Bettini
The occasion is not to be missed because an evening like this one will repeat soon. Indeed, in some ways it will be almost unique: the total lunar eclipse longer than the century. A show also visible from Italy immediately after sunset and enriched by the spectacular opposition of Mars, which will be very bright right next to our satellite.

The lunar eclipse
Admiring the event, if the clouds allow it, will be very simple. In Italy, the Moon will rise to the southeast just before 21h, already partially submerged in the shadow of the Earth. At 21:30 will begin the phase of totality, with our satellite will be dyed red, as always happens in these cases. It will remain so until 11:13 pm, and then it will begin to emerge from the shadows. At 1.28 on July 28, the phenomenon will be over.

The longest of the century
The totality phase, the most spectacular, will last a total of 103 minutes. It is the longest of the 21st century. To have a comparison term, the last lunar eclipse visible since Italy, that of September 28, 2015, was 72 minutes. The next, which will take place on January 21, 2019, will last 62 minutes.

Red Moon and Red Planet
On the sky, the red moon will have a special companion: the red planet. March in the evening of July 27 will be in conjunction with our satellite. It will be slightly lower and to the right of the Moon and will be particularly bright. In fact, at this time of year, its orbit brings it very close to Earth, about 58 million kilometers. In addition, it is in opposition to the Sun, the position in which it becomes brighter.

Photographers ready for the event
For lovers and enthusiasts, it will surely be an opportunity to take beautiful pictures. For the occasion, the National Institute of Astrophysics asked everyone to share their images on a dedicated web page (, an album that will bring together memories of this red night of late July

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