The incredible temperature of Antarctica has been detected in Antarctica


The global warming announced by most of the scientific community does not seem to have uniform repercussions on the whole planet. These days, a study was conducted on geophysical research letters for 12 years in Antarctica that detected the lowest temperatures ever reached, almost 100 degrees C below zero, -98 degrees C to be exact .

given, almost unimaginable, was measured near the South Pole, about 3800 meters high, in some crevbades between glaciers perennial and far exceeds the record of -89 degrees C ° reported by the Soviet scientific station Vostok in 1983. In Antarctica the average temperature varies from -20 degrees C near the "attenuated" coast of the ocean up to about -50 degrees C of internal areas; according to experts, however, some concomitant factors may precipitate the thermometer: the clear sky, the minimal humidity, the wind and the endless night of the polar winter.

Research values ​​were detected by orbiting satellites and some researchers criticized the accuracy by preferring measurement directly to the site. However, extreme temperatures would lead to death, regardless of the clothing worn; cold air, indeed, after a few breaths would irreparably damage the lungs causing serious internal bleeding. Special respirators would be needed, which would complicate movement on an already hard and insidious surface. Scientists believe that even during ice ages, even lower temperatures have been reached.

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