The most brilliant object of the primordial Universe


Identified the most brilliant object of the primordial Universe : it is a quasar born less than a billion years after the Big Bang ready to reveal the most intimate secrets of the first galaxies. It is located at 13 billion light-years from Earth It is formed by a galaxy with a black hole which did not not to swallow only [19659002] but issue a plasma jet almost as fast as light, so as to be extremely brilliant to radio frequencies. The discovery, made through the US Very Long Baseline Array (Vlba) telescope system, is published in The Astrophysical Journal by the Edoardo Banados research group of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Pasadena, California.

The quasar, called [19659002] PSO J352.4034-15.3373 (abbreviated as P352-15 ), was also observed later by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO ), producing "the most detailed picture ever obtained for a galaxy so bright and distant," says astronomer Emmanuel Momjian. "There are few known radio sources so strong in the first Universe and it is the brightest quasar of the era by a factor of 10", adds Banados

"We observe P352 -15 as it was when the Universe was less than a billion years or – points out Chris Carilli del Nrao – about 7% of its current age ". It was towards the end of the era of the reionization in which the first stars and galaxies cleared up the hydrogen fog that was invading the planet. intergalactic space. "Other observations – continued Carlli – could allow us to use this quasar as an ambient lamp, to measure the amount of neutral hydrogen that remained at that time." "The jet emitted by the quasar – specifies Banados – could serve as an important calibration tool to help future projects penetrate the dark age of the Universe and reveal how early galaxies were formed ".

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