the new trailer offers an overview of the settings


Today Square Enix and Eidos Montreal published a new trailer of The Shadow of the Tomb Raider entirely dedicated to the parameters of the

The film, like the one centered on the climbs published a few days ago, only lasts a little over 30 seconds. It offers a glimpse of the places Lara Croft will explore in this last chapter of the trilogy of origins in Central America: from dense jungle to Maya temples, to the inevitable tombs full of puzzles and of secrets. Remember that Shadow of the Tomb Raider officially entered gold early last week, will debut on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC the next September 14 in three editions different: Standard, Croft and Ultimate. Over the past few days, Eidos Montreal has also introduced Paititi, the central hub of the video game world. It is an ancient city where players can converse with non-player characters to discover additional information about local culture, get side missions and buy equipment, weapons and others. objects of all kinds. If you want to know more, we recommend you to read the preview Shadow of the Tomb Raider based on the demo E3 2018

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