the new update accelerates the progress of the black market


As we have already said, Treyarch he had to muster the fierce criticism of the players for balancing the game's progress system Black market of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

The software house immediately ran for cover and today released a new game patch thanks to which Black market will allow players to level up much faster. Now, the progression in the game will be similar in all online game modes, whether it's clbadic multiplayer mode or Blackout and Zombie modes. The work of Treyarch this does not stop there, as the studio is working to launch new events and challenges that will allow players to accelerate their progress.

As stated in the official release notes, which you can view at this address, the software has also fixed some technical issues related to audio, quad performance in Blackout mode and the migration of the game. host in Zombie mode.

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 is now available for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The title is already experiencing great economic success since it generated profits of $ 500 million over the weekend. For more information on the new online shooter Treyarch, we refer you to our video review.

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