The one that was discovered a few days ago is the last secret


During Comic-Con San Diego of last week, director Cory Balrog teased players hinting at the existence of one last secret not yet discovered in God of War . Fans, predictably, immediately began looking for him: what they found, however, left many of them with a bitter taste.

Premise: if you have not finished the game yet, we strongly advise you not to continue reading because in the following lines you will find a very important revelation.

As we pointed out a few days ago the players discovered the presence of 4 runes engraved on the walls of the hut Kratos . Together they form the word Loki or the true identity of his son Atreus . This detail, however, did not particularly impress them. The community was waiting for something else, which had not already been revealed in the main campaign. Many, therefore, hoped that it was not the secret provided by Barlog, and that there was still something else hidden in the frames of God of War.

Unfortunately, they will be disappointed. In the last hours Santa Monica Studio has spoken on Twitter to announce that the word Loki composed of 4 runes is actually the last secret of the game: "At the E3 2016 you have discovered our first Easter Egg from God of War.Now, two years and a lot of secrets later, you also discovered the last " we read in the Tweet.

What do you think? Are you satisfied? Recall that God of War is available for purchase exclusively on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro.

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