The playable teaser of Silent Hills (P.T.) is playable on PC thanks to a free remake!


User Qimsar managed to make a remake of PT the famous playable teaser of the Silent Hills canceled by Hideo Kojima, with the help of Unreal Engine 4 . The demo is currently playable on PC : let's see it in action in a video gameplay.

As you can see in the movie featured at the top of the news, the current version of the fan remake of PT is in excellent condition, with a very faithful realization of the house and events that the player faces it.

Directed by a developer of only 17 years, the current PT remake build can be downloaded from GameJolt, waiting for Qimsar to continue making further improvements and adding new elements of game before the final version.

If you remember, the original edition of PT was published in PlayStation 4 to publicize the new Silent Hills of Konami and Hideo Kojima (with Norman Reedus), before the father of Metal Gear Solid will divorced from the Japanese publisher. At this point, the project was canceled, and the P.T. demo removed from the PlayStation Store without the option to re-download it at a later date.

Through the work of Qimsar, users PC have the opportunity to play P.T. Thanks to a fan of remake made very faithful to the original. What do you think?

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