The prototype of the first Xbox (aluminum) is now on display at the Microsoft Visitor Center


Incredible, but true: in the new Microsoft Visitor Center of Redmond, the company exhibited (specially protected by a showcase) the prototype of the first Xbox a Houses-shaped "X "wholly manufactured and modeled from an aluminum block

This is the first true working prototype of Xbox presented by Bill Gates and Seamus Blackley press and partners at the Game Developers Conference of 2000. As reported by Polygon, the prototype in question had substantial implementation costs, we speak of $ 18,000 for each specimen, for that very few pieces have been produced, to be used exclusively for public and private demonstrations.

Blackley recalls that the design was chosen to impress members of the press, despite the extremely high production costs. later, the team went to work on something more traditional and compact, from this prototype was born the first real Microsoft console, launched in 2001 in North America and 39 next year in Europe. [19659003Beforethefirst Xbox Did you know that the Duke controller is now available in stores, compatible with PC and Xbox One?

Bill Gates' original Xbox prototype of GDC 2000 is on display at the new Microsoft Visitor Center.

Absolute unity. I love it.

– Graeme Boyd (@AceyBongos) June 30, 2018

This was the showcase unit to show partners and the press. It worked

[There were actually several, and they traveled the world. I am in this world literally.]

– Seamus Blackley (@SeamusBlackley) June 30, 2018

We have had penguin cases. We would test them by pulling them up and down in the parking garages

– Seamus Blackley (@SeamusBlackley) June 30, 2018

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