The successor of Android and the cheap iPhone, the high-tech of the future


New software, ever more innovative and technological products are designed and launched almost daily on the market, but we are already thinking of the hi-tech of the future. And it's always the smartphones, tablets and operating systems that are the masters. Beginning with Google, according to Bloomberg reports, in five years it would set the release date of Fuchsia OS, the successor to Android. Do not stand watching competitors, with Sony pointing everything on a new 48-megapixel camera, and Apple, ready to market a low-cost iPhone, suitable for all budgets.

Fuchsia OS, the universal operating system

If in 2016, Fuchsia OS, the new operating system that should take the place of Android, it only seemed that it was not enough. a line of code published on Github, two years later it begins to take shape. To launch the indiscretion is Bloomberg, which breaks the silence on the new project of the Mountain View Colossus. Referring to some sources within the company, the US multinational operating in the mbad media sector is reporting a new universal operating system, which is compatible with all smartphones and devices of the Google brand. . The goal of the US giant would be to provide a safer, updated product to speed up in the next five years. For the moment, however, as The Verge points out, neither Google CEO Sundar Pichai nor Android manager Hiroshi Lockheimer has confirmed the scoop. "Fuchsia is one of the many experimental projects, but we do not provide more details," commentary pithy of a spokesperson

Strategies of competitors

In the "war" between technology multinationals, Google's competitors do not stay watch. Sony, for example, has decided to focus everything on an ultra-compact 48 megapixel CMOS photo sensor, which promises to revolutionize the world of digital photography. The new sensor manufactured by the Japanese giant should indeed not only guarantee high resolution images, but also better performance in low light conditions.
According to the latest rumors, however, Apple's immediate response would be to introduce a new low-cost iPhone model, suitable for all budgets. In particular, the company with Apple is expected to launch three new models on the market in September: an updated X, the X plus, and an "intermediary", with an LCD. The latter, equipped with a 6.1 "screen, should be devoid of a Touch ID fingerprint sensor and would only mount one rear camera, and the keys would correspond to the older models, including the vibration switch. Given its "economical" nature, this new model is expected to drive up the old processor in favor of a bearish price.

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