The Wardrobe, Runbow and Red Faction Guerrilla among the new games of the week


The week that has just started does not seem particularly rich from the point of view of novelties, but on PlayStation 4 will arrive four very interesting titles: Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered The Wardrobe Runbow and Nekopara Volume 1 . Let's Uncover Together

Runbow (3 July)
A fast-paced horizontal platform game with party elements that will allow nine players to join the fray for a seamless battle.

Red Faction Guerrilla Mars-tered (July 3)
Originally published in 2009, Red Faction Guerrilla is now back with an updated technical department and a new edition that includes all the content of the edition original. For fans of the genre, a title to watch closely

The Wardrobe (July 3)
Graphic Adventure all Italian registration plate C.I.N.I.C. Games that arrive on PlayStation 4 after having a decent success on PC

Nekopara Volume 1 (July 4)
A strange Japanese-style visual novel with protagonists of the cat of girls …. you will see beautiful! 19659010] A quantitatively limited selection, after the many releases of the last months of July, the publications slow down and the big publishers are preparing for the launch of the titles that we will see during the next season, from the end of August

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