this year there will be no stock problem for Nintendo Switch


The incredible success that Switch received during the first year of marketing surprised Nintendo by surprise: for several months, the offer Great N no. was not able to satisfy Reggie Fils-Aime

Interviewed by Game Informer, the president of Nintendo of America indeed declared that the Great N had worked hard. to make sure that Switch has no stock problems in the coming months, not even when headlines like Super Smash Bros Ultimate are out: " Our goal as a business is to drive sales momentum and create enthusiasm to convince people who have heard about the equipment but have not bought it yet, to cross the decisive step Our biggest failure occurs when a consumer is interested in not finding the console on the shelf.We make sure that the supply chain is solid. we are extremely sure that we will be able to meet the demand ", these are the words of Reggie Fils-Aime .

Recall that Switch has placed more than 15 million units in its first year of life, and Nintendo plans to distribute 20 million additional pieces of equipment. here March 2019, for a total of more than 35 million consoles in just two years.

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