Today partial eclipse Sun but the Red Moon explodes on 27



The July sky begins today to "sparkle" with the partial eclipse of the Sun but the real "fire" "Artifice" will be there on the 27th with the total eclipse moon longer than the century when our satellite will be tinged with red blood, while Mars will be in opposition and in conjunction with the eclipsed Moon. The partial solar eclipse of today is only nice for those who live in Tasmania.

Today, the Moon is interposed between the Earth and the Sun "darkening" 10% of our major star, a wonderful phenomenon in the southern part of Australia at 2% and in the north of Antarctica at 33%, with the city of Hobart, Tasmania, which seems the best place to admire the astronomical spectacle. But that of today is only a glimpse of what will happen in the sky on July 27 when an extraordinary lunar eclipse will occur.

"On the night of July 27-28" there will be a "must-attend event with a truly super-lunar eclipse of the Moon, in fact, its phase of totality will be the longest of all the eclipses of the moon
] that will occur in this century, lasting an hour and 43 minutes, "says Marco Galliani of Inaf.The Moon, in fact, continues Galliani," will rise a few minutes before 21, Italian local time, southeast , already crossing the earth-created cone, which will end up in this period exactly between the Sun and our natural satellite. "

Inaf further emphasizes that" the phase of totality will take place between 21 and 30 and 23 and 13, while the maximum eclipse, or the largest darkening of the Moon, is expected at 22 and 22. The Moon, after leaving the whole, will cross the cone of the twilight to emerge definitively and mark the end of the eclipse at 1 and 30 in the morning of 28 ju illet ".

" On the evening of Friday, July 27, a total eclipse of the Moon will occur, which will be visible in Italy and in the rest of Europe "also stresses the Italian Union of Astrophiles , which gives its "coordinates" of the phenomenon one can also observe in Asia, Australia, Antarctica, Africa, the Middle East, in the Atlantic Ocean and in South America, the l 39; magnitude of the eclipse being 1.613, reports the Uai.

On the evening of July 27, the Moon in eclipse is in conjunction with the planet Mars in opposition. The two stars are located in the constellation of Capricorn, near the limit with Sagittarius, explains Uai, who points out how "during the evening we can observe 4 planets in the naked eye: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and , of course, Mars ". So you will have "a real" Night of the Planets "which will act as a" contour "of the Night of the Moon and the Red Planet" adds the badociation that brings together the greatest Italian enthusiasts and scholars of the "Red Planet". non-professional astronomy.

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