two important news for users


Whatsapp does not back down. Despite the success that sees him as the leader among the messaging applications Windows Phone, iOS and Android the development team continues to offer the addition of very welcome features to users. The latest developments speak of two important updates: one is an important step forward in the fight against spam, the other should be on voice notes, a widely used function [VIDEO] for the 39 average user. Another demonstration, therefore, to want to meet users, through the increase of the convenience of use and the serious contrast with those that can be the discomfort caused by the chains that propagate dangerous links to nature.

And this seems to be a trend of 2018, considering that already in the current calendar year it has been proposed the possibility of sending voice notes without holding the microphone and tag "retransmitted "on messages that were simply distributed by the user after receipt.

Suspicious Link Recognition

A link, especially in operating systems mounted on smartphones, is likely to cause harm. Suffice it to say that, if it reaches the eyes of the most reckless, it is very easy to find yourself in no time registered with paid services that suck the credit "telephone". Precisely because of this criticality WhatsApp according to the trusted source WABetaInfo, allegedly distributed to its beta testers a version in which the messages that have a "suspicious" content come "marked" with the label "suspect".

An alarm bell that can alert even those who are not used to facing the dangers that the "Net" can hide. In particular, the version that contained the "big" of this novelty was represented by 2.18.204 followed shortly thereafter by 2.18.206 which represents only a minimal upgrade probably related only to the stability of the system. For those who do not know it, the "beta" versions represent a first distribution of the software that is given to the testers, so that it proves in the field if the novelties do not represent in any case a problem with normal operation. of the application. After a while, if things are going well, everything ends with all the users.

WhatsApp: Convenient to Stay a Leader

Whatsapp According to the figures that are read on different stores, represents the number one application in the field of messaging. The competition, however, is very valuable, with Telegram leading an army of potential alternatives. To maintain leadership, it is necessary to satisfy users and make the application as convenient as possible.

Not by chance in the last period, on the application in Beta [VIDEO] was introduced a novelty that, without representing anything disruptive, will make users happy. The reference goes to the ability to listen to voice notes before sending them. This will be a very "user friendly" novelty that will fit into a series of improvements that primarily concern system security and the inability to spread potential hazards to users.

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