WhatsApp: Group video calls are finally active | new


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After announcing and waiting too long, WhatsApp finally made available the group videocalls . The option has already been published and is ready for use. They can communicate up to 4 users at the same time.

Group video calls are very easy to use

First of all, you need to check that your application is up to date with the latest version available. After this step, you can try for the first time to make a video call that can include up to 4 users at the same time.

To start one, just call the first contact. Once the answer is obtained, the "+" button will appear in the upper right corner, which will allow you to add two more users to the video call.

The decision to limit to 4 participants is obviously related to the need to allow the screen to comfortably accommodate the images transmitted by the contacts. In fact, the display – when a maximum of 4 video call users are reached – is automatically divided into identical parts. Obviously, the quality of your video session will depend on the quality of the Internet connection that users are using.

WhatsApp, slowly, adds features to combat the competition

The instant messenger service was one of the first to be launched several years ago, quickly becoming extremely popular. Each geographical and economic barrier has been demolished by circulating Internet traffic.

Despite the arrival of other services, even more successful such as Telegram, users did not give up WhatsApp . Obviously, the habit and laziness are the masters. In fact, in many ways, the instant messaging service turned out to be limited compared to the competition . Just think of the end-to-end encryption of messages, which happened long after Telegram.

Very slowly, WhatsApp adds several new features that aim to make the application more avant-garde by giving it a "more social" footprint. For example, there are also stories as on Instagram.

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