WhatsApp, what is the Momo that checks in the messages received


Being a very famous and used messaging platform [VIDEO] it can happen that Whatsapp (the famous application become property of Facebook) constitutes a very fertile ground for the famous chains of Sant Antonio and various buffaloes often very dangerous for the "health" of our smartphone. Among the most recent is reported Momo which runs a lot these days: it's the image of a "little girl" that causes fear in the observer , but fortunately does not bring any harm to the smartphone A new chain of St. Anthony: Momo

Momo is nothing but a sort of chain of St. Anthony.

While normally they carry with them often very boring messages, the Momo is a chain of San Antonio with a background of horror [VIDEO] (as often circulated and willingly some time ago) with a prefix foreigner: usually +81, but many users also reported the prefix +57, along with the actual number.

The present image in this particular St. Anthony's chain portrays a kind of doll, or girl, with lean, not to say grotesque, eyes to the ball out of orbits and brittle hair features attached to the face. Many have compared the terrifying figure of Momo with the famous Shelley Duvall in Stanley Kubrick's famous horror film "Shining"; in fact it is a doll that flows its origins in the legends of the Land of the Rising Sun and which is on display in an art exhibition still in Japan.

The message is accompanied by a message that invites you to broadcast the image in question if you do not want to fall into a "curse". A well thought out trick, which has even attracted the attention of other platforms as important as Youtube, but that has aroused the horror of many people and the fun of much less.

Is Momo at risk with the smartphone?

Many users have not found the presence of viruses or malware behind the image of Momo, but the company that runs the platform has already taken steps to counter the hidden dangers hidden in the Japanese doll who depopulates in the cat, as well as in other similar messages and various hoaxes. One of the interventions against S. Antonio's strings like this is a tag that WhatsApp has made available to registered users who reports messages that are not "authentic" or all messages copied and pasted into other chats that are not written directly by one of our contacts.

This article has been tested with:

  • https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2018/07/19/whatsapp-attenti-momo-ecco-chi-e-lutente-che-nelle-ultime-ore-sta-seminando-il-panico/4503520 /
  • https://www.mobileworld.it/2018/07/20/whatsapp-momo-185673/

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