Wikipedia obscured by the protest against the EU: that's why


Wikipedia considers that the European Parliament should not approve the Copyright Directive when it will meet in plenary session on Thursday July 5 . "The Italian Wikipedia community has decided to obscure all pages of the encyclopedia," reads in any Wikipedia page in Italian. "We want to be able to continue to offer a free, open and collaborative encyclopedia with verifiable content, and we ask all members of the European Parliament to reject the current text of the directive and to reopen the discussion by examining the many proposals Wikimedia badociations. from the abolition of Articles 11 and 13, as well as the extension of panorama freedom to the whole of the EU and the protection of the public domain. "

We are talking about a protest against the initiative of the European Union that involved more parts and network environments.The opposing articles are 11, or the" tax of liaison and 13, which more generally concerns the right of the author.In this second case, a preventive control is envisaged in order to verify that the author's rights are not not infringed on the content of the network Thanks to an automated control system similar to that of Youtube content, the European Union wants to avoid the looting of original contents and prevent the monetization of those who copy.

After the GDPR and the sanctions against Facebook, the EU continues on the road taken to regulate the network, meeting a series of resistance from those who think, and in this case also Wikipedia, that this may limit freedom of movement. expression on the Internet . As approved by the European Parliament, companies that provide access to a large amount of user-generated data, such as Wikipedia, should take steps to check before publication all the content uploaded by users . "If the proposal was approved, it could be impossible to share a newspaper article on social networks or find it on a search engine, Wikipedia could close," reads on the first page of Wikipedia.

Article 11: Anyone who reports a link or an excerpt (summary published by the search engines to anticipate the content of the page in the SERP) must obtain an authorization from the publisher of the linked content and / or cited and must pay compensation to the latter

These are rules that could change the fundamentals of the use of the Internet as it is conceived today, with significant impacts on the digital life of users. Significant is the fact that the Italian Wikipedia started the seemingly unshared protest on the English version of Wikipedia. The EU seems ready to continue its efforts to protect privacy, the authenticity of information and copyright on the network, but not everyone believes that it done correctly.

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