Wind Tre sanctioned by the Antitrust Authority for "unfair business practices": all details


The latest operators in the mobile phone market, Iliad and, have relaunched a fundamental and fundamental concept: transparency on costs. Until now, indeed, Iliad has immediately clarified the commercial line of thinking avoiding any additional surcharges not indicated at the stage of the conclusion of the contract. This concept, however, is not always followed by the traditional operators

Wind Tre SpA, the new company resulting from the merger of the two homonymous telephone operators, was sanctioned by the Authority antitrust for Invalid sales. In particular, a particular option of Tre would be indicted, called All-IN Small and launched for the first time in the now distant 2013. Among the details of the offer emerges, in particular, the words "forever" next to the price of the promotion.

Well, for five years now this phone rate would have been the subject of two unilateral contract amendments by the telephone operator (far, therefore, from the concept 'forever'.) Following some forty reports to the Antitrust Authority, the body would be immediately activated for to punish Company, even if the extent of the penalty is not known.

IN Small is not the only promotion characterized by these "unilateral changes": in fact, even d & # 39; Other promos (such as All-IN One and All-IN VIP) would have been targeted for some increased prices since its launch until today. In any event, the guarantor stated that he did not sanction the company in terms of individual promotions as much as for the advertising campaign in the complex deemed abusive by the company. Antitrust Authority

According to the latest estimates, users affected by these commercial practices oscillate between 100,000 and 400,000 . This is therefore a considerable disadvantage for the consumer who, as often happens, is forced to lose his own pocket. It remains to be seen how the situation will evolve in the future, and whether similar cases will occur for other promotions or other mobile operators.

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