you have to wait for an underlying launch for the new iPhone, despite the models


  iPhone 2018

As you all know, in a few weeks, Apple will present well three new models of the iPhone . One of the highlights of these smartphones is the presence of a processor A12 with architecture at 7 nm ; it is the first commercially-produced firm of this type and is produced by TSMC . Despite this, however, the company has decidedly lowered the forecast of the turnover

During these months we talked about how there was a lowering of orders by Apple and D & # 39, other problems related to production. The start of sales will not be the best, on the contrary, but expects the situation to evolve towards the fourth quarter of the year. This will be the period with the most sales, which will result in a larger number of components.

A major replacement

Apparently, TSMC 's optimism for these months is due to the idea that many customers with a model of more than two years will be willing to spend a lot to get started. day. This is a possible scenario, probably carried by badysts and business experts, but there is also to say that this year the Android producers have really taken care. The super cycle updates should exceed that of the iPhone X .

There is also another bad news about TSMC. The company had begun the first tests for a process 5-nm . Well, the mbad production of these processors was moved to the first half of 2020 . From these data, it is reasonable to badume that we will only see this architecture as A14 .

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