Jesus is the answer to all questions



Tthere was a man who was filled with a strong desire to take a trip, so he packed his few things and went to a nearby airport. Once there he met many others like him and quickly fell into a group where he felt comfortable. With great excitement and impatience, they all boarded a huge plane and took off. It wasn’t until then that the man realized that, in his excitement and haste, he had no idea where he was going or even which way he was heading.

When he began to question his fellow travelers, he discovered to his amazement that no one else knew the answers to these important questions. Everyone had an opinion, and since no one really agreed with the answer, they ended up in arguments, name calling and hurt feelings. The travelers organized themselves into small groups and began to debate among themselves who was right and who was wrong. The result was growing confusion, fear and alarm where no one trusted anyone.

In his confusion and now his growing fear, the man decided to stop asking questions and simply go with the majority. What else could he do? Eventually some groups started talking about getting on the plane and getting it where they wanted to go. During this time, the plane continued to fly at high speed in an unknown direction to an undisclosed destination.

Does this story sound fancy or outlandish to you? Take a moment and look around; listen to all the rhetoric being proclaimed loud and clear. Then see if you can relate to the man in this story.

In the Bible we find Abraham who God told to start a journey. We at least gave it a direction, but at first we didn’t tell it where it was going. Or take the disciples of Jesus. The fourteenth chapter of the Gospel of John records a conversation between Jesus and his disciples. They are in the Upper Room and have just participated in a paschal meal that Jesus transformed into a service for first communion. Jesus knew that he would be crucified the next day, but none of the disciples realized it even though Jesus had told them repeatedly. Even at this late hour, Jesus tried to prepare his disciples for what was to come soon. He told them that he was going to get ahead of them to prepare a place for them, then that he would come back for them. Notice this amazing question asked by Thomas: “Lord, we don’t know where you are going. How can we know the way? (John 14: 6. Thomas, like the rest of the disciples, had given up everything to follow Jesus. They had walked with him for years watching what he was doing, hearing the words that transformed their lives from within. Yet, like the man in our story, they had no idea where they were going or even where their life was going.

Many people in our contemporary society find themselves caught in this dilemma. Even in churches, many find themselves in the same position grappling with these same issues.

And it is for this very reason that Jesus came to address all these questions of identity, direction, purpose and destination. All questions ultimately refer to the person of Christ himself. In response to Thomas’ question, Jesus assures him: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me If you had known me, you would also have known my Father. Now you know him and you have seen him. (John 14: 6, 7) The continued conversation in the upper room that night provided the sense of identity, direction of life, purpose and destination of the disciples. It can provide the same for the man on the plane in our history, and also for our own stories.

If we find that the direction we are taking in our lives is leading us to a destination or goal that we don’t want, there is only one course of action for us. The Bible calls it repentance, and it involves a dramatic change in our thinking and motivation. This is why Jesus came – not just to answer our questions, but to be the answer. He is the only one who can reorient our lives towards life in all its fullness.

Reverend Ron Zeiner represents the Bread of Life Christian community.


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