1.7 meter cow: seven of the largest animals in the world


The cow is too big to be killed.

Cow panties

Knickers shocked the world after the images of this huge animal became viral.

The cow is too big to be killed, she weighs 1,397 kg and is 1,7 meters tall. She spends her days wandering the fields of Western Australia.

But Knickers is not alone in the oversized animal club.

Check out some of these giant creatures that are breaking records for their stature.

Mystery chicken

Looks small at first …

A video of a huge chicken became viral last year when it was filmed dropping its head through a relatively small hole in a raised hutch.

As the clip continues, the chicken begins to enter the yard and reveals its incredible enormity and plumage.

With mbades of feathers and standing much higher than most dogs, the bird wanders in the yard that marks its territory.

But then the huge chicken emerges in full.

Samson the mighty Maine Coon

This imposing cat weighs 28 pounds and measures an incredible length of four feet.

He spends his free time searching and has now achieved celebrity status because of his impressive stature, including more than 180,000 Instagram followers.

Darius the rabbit

Darius the rabbit extended.

Darius the rabbit measured a total of 4 feet 4 inches long.

It cost her owner a whopping £ 5,000 a year to feed her giant bunnies, which eat 2,000 carrots and 700 apples every 12 months.

Each day, each of them also takes a look at a huge dog bowl filled with specialized rabbit food and a hay bale a week.


The overweight squirrel.

The huge gray squirrel has grown to twice the size after being repeatedly fed to the nuts by tourists going to the park where she lives.

Photographer Marina van der Linden captured the chubby creature of a movie in the Morro Rock State Reserve in California.

The software engineer Marina, 46, was stunned when California's overweight ground squirrel appeared after taking out a bag of nuts.

She said: "I was in the park taking pictures but I could not take clear pictures because there was too much fog.I pulled out a bag of peanuts and suddenly I saw a family of squirrels.

"It was hilarious because they were all big enough, but there was one that was huge."

Sting Ray

The puncture ray.

In 2015, television host Jeff Corwin and veterinarian Nantarika Chansue examined a huge freshwater racket in the Mae Klong River, Thailand.

The ray was a record, and the taking and release was filmed for an ABC show episode Mysteries of the ocean with Jeff Corwin.

The ray was 7.9 feet long and 14 feet long, weighing about 800 pounds.

Lolong the crocodile

Workers carefully unload the 21-foot "Longlong" crocodile from the roof of a van.

Lolong, the marine crocodile, who died a few years ago, is believed to be the largest of its kind in captivity ever recorded, measuring 21 feet in the Philippines.

The beast was accused of several deadly attacks before its capture in 2011.

His body was preserved so that the villagers could still see the reptile, as it was adored by the locals.

The crocodile was kept in captivity.

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