Ethiopia and Eritrea restore links after 20 years of enmity | News from the world


Ethiopian and Eritrean leaders officially reestablished relations between the two countries, putting an end to twenty years of enmity and pushing phone calls to cross the border by people who get back in touch with their friends and family.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Eritrean President, Isaias Afwerki, also signed agreements for the opening of embbadies, the restoration of flight services and the use by the United States of America. Ethiopia's port facilities in Eritrea. The signing took place in Asmara, the capital of Eritrea, before Abiy returned to Ethiopia.

"The march towards peace could be long but we have faith in the love and solidarity of our people," said Abiy. signature. "We can now imagine a future where we do not see any national boundaries or high walls dividing us.The people of our region are united in a common purpose."

Residents have not wasted time in call after a telecommunications block between the two countries has been lifted. "Received Asmara's first appeal in Eritrea!" Said Ermiyas Teklu in Ethiopia after talking to his uncle and his family. "The last time I spoke to them, was when I was in a third country.My mother will talk to our parents in Eritrea and everyone is excited about it."

  Abiy Ahmed and Isaias Afwerki embrace

Abiy Ahmed and Isaias Afwerki, a catching video, kiss in Asmara, Eritrea Photograph: AP

Many Ethiopians expressed their enthusiasm on social media and changed their profile photos for a photo taken on Sunday of Ethiopian and Eritrean leaders.

"The events of the past two days between Ethiopia and Eritrea are like the fall of the Berlin Wall." Samson Haileyesus wrote on Facebook

Chief of Staff Abiy, Fitsum Arega, tweeted: "A state of war between the two countries has come to an end."

Ethiopian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Workneh Gebeyehu UN Secretary General, António Guterres , visiting Ethiopia, said the resumption of relations between the two countries was "representative of a new wind of hope blowing over Africa".

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