Brexiters proposed to force publication of David Davis' white paper | Policy


Hardline Tory Brexiters intends to try to force Theresa May to publish a rival draft of the Brexit White Paper written by David Davis in the run-up to last week's Checkers Summit, which Downing Street gave up

He added that some elements were drawn from other EU agreements, sources told The Guardian – an alternative to the approach to be defined in the government's white paper , to be published Thursday. [19659002Lesdéputésd'rear-banduGroupeeuropéenderecherche(GRE)déposerontune"humbleadresse"auParlementexigeantqueleprojetdeDavissoitrendupublicalorsqueleparticonservateurdescendradansuneguerreparlementairetotalecontreleBrexit[19659003]. Labor MPs had the habit of forcing the government to publish the Brexit impact documents. The ERG hopes to get the support of a Labor frontist eager to embarrbad the government.

May has been trying to take the initiative since the weekend, quickly reshaping and warning the backbenchers that they have to unite behind her or risk to Downing Street to Jeremy Corbyn

She is now planning to play a more active role in the negotiations, placing the government 's plan directly with EU leaders, in the hope of persuading Brussels of the future. to be more flexible in his approach. But the backdrop at home is becoming more and more hostile. Davis, who resigned late on Sunday night, was furious when a document filed in front of the cabinet on the day of his departure was very different from a series of drafts around Whitehall.

The Allies say his version was closer to the free trade agreement that he has long defended, but also aspects of the deals that the EU has signed with D & # 39; other countries – such as mutual recognition of regulations in the automotive sector.

"You collect all together, you have a good trade deal," said a source who saw the plans, adding that Davis and his colleagues believed that they were following the broad lines laid out by the Prime Minister in his last speech. "We were transforming Mansion House into concrete text," he added.

A source suggested that the previous project was "locked in a safe" in the departing department of the EU, nor Davis nor his close badociate Stewart Jackson

Jackson said that Downing Street had blocked his appointment as a special advisor to DExEU earlier this week, when Davis was replaced by Dominic Raab.

At Checkers on Friday, the firm supported a proposal drafted by May's. Brexit's chief negotiator, Ollie Robbins, who would see the creation of a "common rulebook" for goods and food.

Some cabinet graduates, including Andrea Leadsom and Michael Gove, have argued. However, the hardliners believe that the joint regulation would constitute a legal "harmonization" with EU rules, which could make it impossible to abandon the approach of the EU. EU without triggering the safety net of Northern Ireland. They are also concerned that it will be impossible for them to conclude new trade agreements with non-EU countries.

Thursday's white paper will set out in more detail the May plans for an "easy customs arrangement", which the Brexiters deem too bureaucratic. A spokesman for Downing Street insisted: "There is a version and it will be released tomorrow."

Leavers' attempt to hijack the publication of the white paper underlines the poisonous atmosphere in the conservative party, with the ERG ready to pursue what one of the members has called "Spanish practices ", to force May to abandon her Checkers plan.

Boris Johnson, in a stubborn resignation letter, said the plan meant that Britain would be reduced to "colony status."

The Brexiters were angered by allegations that they offered no alternative to May's compromise. by his cabinet Friday, before announcing the resignation of Davis Sunday, and that of Boris Johnson Monday – followed by the departure of several other younger conservatives.

Some Radical Conservative MPs, deeply dissatisfied with May's plan, have already publicly called The Alternative White Paper to be published

On Monday, two hard-working brexiters demanded that the Prime Minister release the document when she reported it to the House Commons after the top of the cabinet.

Sir Bernard Jenkin asked May to publish the white paper that was set aside – the white paper that has been written for months by DExEU? "Mark Francis said Davis had been working for months on" a detailed white paper that was "not presented to the firm at Dames". François called on the Prime Minister to publish it so that the country "has a chance to see the alternative options proposed by DExEU".

In response, May did not recognize the alternative white paper but instead referred to the underlying work of DExEU. Responding to Jenkin, she said the paper to be released Thursday would be "based on the work that has been done DEXEU in recent weeks and will of course reflect the decision made by the Cabinet on Friday"

. The Brexiters are setting up a series of parliamentary clashes with ministers in the remaining few days before the Commons separate for the long summer holidays.

Jacob Rees-Mogg and his colleagues, including Owen Paterson and Priti Patel, have four amendments to the trade bill. The ERG wants the deputies to remove May's "customs arrangement" in an amendment to Monday's bill, which calls on the UK to refuse to collect duties for the EU to unless the Member States do the same.

Bill had become necessary after May's Checkers plan emerged. "Unfortunately, Checkers was a breach of trust Brexit meant Brexit, but now it appears that Brexit means staying under European laws, and I think it will help the government to keep the promises it made." said the deputy to the Sun.

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