First revealed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative (B & R) is expected to generate a total economic volume of US $ 21 trillion (29% of the global total) when it is completed. This initiative is expected to boost international trade on new routes and create a wave of labor migration among the 68 participating countries. This growing movement of goods and people among countries with national identity systems poses new challenges for identity interoperability.
What is the Belt & Road Initiative?
B & R is a long-term development strategy. from China to the east, across the Indian subcontinent and North Africa, to Europe and the United Kingdom to the west. A total of 68 countries are involved and a $ 300 trillion investment is planned for the project. The purpose of the initiative is to increase economic growth and development in the mutual interest of the participating countries.
The expected results are improved road connectivity, free trade, monetary circulation, political communication and cultural understanding between Asia, Europe and Africa . New channels for the movement of commerce, people, and money can be expected to lead to the development of identity and other tools that will enable the project. Change on such a scale, in such a large geographical area, takes time and it is expected that the B & R initiative will not be completed until 2049. [19659002] Belt & Road Infrastructure
The B & R includes two roads: either the Silk Road and the Seaway or the Maritime Silk Road. This is a way to reopen the ancient Silk Road
One of the major infrastructure projects of B & R already underway is the development of a high-speed rail network from China to Europe . For the B & R initiative to be successful, cooperation between Asian and European countries is essential.
The rail freight network allows the movement of goods between China and Europe and is a sign of rapid success in cooperation on the B & R project. Western companies are particularly interested in the Rail freight because it helps them reduce costs, according to expert Ronald Kleijwegt
The high speed train will be a valuable addition to the movement of people in the region. Completed intelligent transportation infrastructure will lead to greater movement of people and goods – and advanced IoT technology.
Belt & Road Workers
With growth and opportunities in the B & R region not the only things to be affected. An increase in the movement of people across the region for work and commerce will lead to new patterns of economic migration. Migrant workers and entrepreneurs will bring with them different contexts in terms of language, identity and socio-economic status.
Such diversity and increased movement of people will require new levels of security in terms of identity. There are 4.5 billion people living in the countries badociated with B & R, which represents a large reserve of manpower. The migration of labor was already above 80% for some countries in the region.
In China alone, there is a total population of 35 million emigrants, which is a major source of migrants worldwide. In the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Russia and Kazakhstan are the major host countries, while Central Asian countries (with the exception of Kazakhstan) send countries
. experts, and labor shortages will propel a potential increase in labor migration. Employers and companies involved in the construction or trade of infrastructure will have to process and ship quickly.
To accelerate the accession and integration of new workers, digital identity and integration must be revolutionized. Secure management of international identities is a fundamental requirement for this initiative. In the B & R region, people need to be able to secure and control their personal files and have easier and faster access to opportunities.
The Challenge of Belt & Road Identity
The new infrastructure and movement of people in the B & R region will be facilitated or hampered by access technologies. This is why it is important that the identity solutions used in the region be interoperable.
The GDPR of Europe and the South Korean Data Protection Laws protect the data protection of the region. In addition, 41 major languages add to the challenges of portability and location of identities. The initiative initiative for innovation and integration presents an opportunity for the identity solution by jumping – especially for personal identity and l '39; ; IoT.
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