The Gambia plans to build two key bridges with Chinese expertise


The Gambian government plans to build two key bridges in the Haut-Fleuve region as part of plans to boost transportation and the movement of people and goods.

The presidency announced Friday that President Adama Barrow both bridges and a road network when he arrived in the region during his national tour.

The presentation, made on the sidelines of the current national tour, in Mankamang Kunda, the President's hometown, was intended to inform the President. on the readiness for the construction of a bridge at the Bbade-Fatoto and Chamoi-Suduwol crossing points

The President was informed that construction will begin before the end of 2018, according to the Presidency statement. However, no time has been given and how much the project should cost.

The drawings were presented in Barrow by the Chinese ambbadador to the Gambia, Zhang Jiming, who was also accompanied by some officials

. Barrow reportedly described the construction as important landmarks since independence. "It's one of the biggest projects since independence in 1965."

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