Peter Biar Ajak arrested at the Juba International Airport


An NTV spokesman and South Sudanese government critic Peter Biar Ajak were arrested this weekend at the Juba International Airport.

Family sources confirmed that Dr. Ajak was intercepted by the National Security Service (NSS) "Dr. Biar was on his way to attend the Red Army's anniversary, but we have information according to which he is detained at the "Blue House",

"The reason for his arrest is not known but we, the family members, urge the authorities who arrested him to respect his rights and freedoms, "said a relative of East Africa .]

The South-Sudanese national regularly contributed to AMLive show of NTV where he comments on the political problems in Kenya and in the greater East African region

". Dr.

He called the international community Actions were insufficient to not pressure leaders to stop the war.

During the comment session, Dr. Ajar blamed Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka for having cultivated for himself the image of a "watermelon" ever since. the 2007 elections

"His image since the 2007 elections is that of someone without a backbone.He moves from one position to the other, without a significant position," he said. He was declared earlier in the year

DR Biar is the President of the South Sudan Young Leaders Forum (SSYLF) and the founder and director of the Strategic Analysis and Research Center (C-SAR), a group independent political thinker based in Juba, South Sudan

He is the CEO of South Sudan Wrestling Entertainment, which supports national wrestling tournaments to promote peace and celebrate the unique culture of the country.

Here is a video of one of the round tables in which he participated with courtesy of NTV:

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