Ebola scare brings out the worst in Kericho: The Standard


Kericho residents have blocked the county reference hospital, where a suspected case of the deadly Ebola virus has been reported.
Instead of avoiding the hospital, where a woman had been quarantined after presenting symptoms similar to those of Ebola patients, curious residents rushed to the hospital, impatient to see the patient.
They blocked the hospital's parking space, jostling each other to let the patient guess, forgetting that the Ebola virus can easily spread through contact.

SEE ALSO:Congo Ebola spreads faster: the WHO

Residents talked aloud about the incident and made jokes about this deadly disease.
In the crowd were also representatives of the local parish who claimed to be in the hospital to "follow the Ebola incident".

Media bulletins

All the while, Governor Paul Chepkwony issued hourly news bulletins aimed at ensuring residents that there was no confirmed case of Ebola virus infection locally.
Dr. Chepkwony, professor of chemistry, chose the security of his meeting room to disseminate the test results on the patient's blood samples, which had been sent to the Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kemri) at Kisumu.
"I would like to thank the doctors at the county hospital because as soon as the patient arrived with the symptoms of Ebola virus disease, they immediately quarantined her so that She can not endanger the lives of other patients, "he said.

SEE ALSO:Ebola virus found in bats in the Taita Hills, not the deadly type

The patient was Ebola negative. "I take this opportunity to thank our health team for the high level of vigilance in disease surveillance and how they have handled the situation," he said.
The governor must have been relieved. If it was Ebola, it is likely that a curious resident would have contracted it.

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