A practical website on which single women can confirm if a man is not married – VIDEO – Nairobi News


The city of Dar-es-Salaam will soon publish the names of all married men in the coastal city to protect women from dishonest men.

Regional Commissioner Paul Makonda said the names would be posted on a public website to prevent "deceitful married men" from attacking single women and breaking their hearts.

"I have received a lot of complaints from young women. Many women in Dar es Salaam have been deceived many times and have had enough. The men promised to marry them, and later they dropped the ladies. It's humiliating, "said Makonda.

"These cunning men have left many women badfeeding with emotional sorrows and bruises. You will find a young man who is successfully courting a woman, making her leave everything she does and following you, hoping that this man will marry her to realize that he is only using it. "

Mr. Makonda says that he enforces laws to protect women to whom marriage has been falsely promised by a man.

"If you look at the laws we have in the country, there is a clause that protects women who have been promised marriage only to use and dispose of them. We want to use this clause to bring mental health into relationships. "

Mr. Makondo wants all residents of Dar es Salaam to register their marital status with the regional database agency.

With the database in place, women would be able to check and find out if the man is married

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