A father whose family died in a plane crash in Ethiopia to inform Congress: The Standard


  • Reuters July 17, 2019 12:14:14 GMT +0300
An undated photograph shows Paul Njoroge with his wife Carolyne, alongside children Kelli and Ryan dead in the plane crash ET 302 of Ethiopian Airlines in an undisclosed location on this photo published on July 16, 2019 by Clifford Law via REUTERS.

Before flying to Washington to mount the congressional marches and testify before a crowd of aviation experts and lawmakers this week, Paul Njoroge spent a sorry weekend tidying up his toys with which his children would never play again.

All three – the chubby Rubi baby, the four-year-old singer Kelli and the six-year-old Ryan, who dreamed of being an astronaut – were killed alongside his wife Carolyne and his stepmother Anne on flight 302 of Ethiopian Airlines. March 10th.
"Without them, I do not feel anything. I'm empty, "the 35-year-old investment professional told Reuters by telephone from his home in Bermuda. "The pain will never go away. I will think of them every minute for the rest of my life. "
The crash of the new model Boeing 737 MAX, six minutes after takeoff, occurred several months after the crash of the same model in Indonesia.

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Preliminary reports in both cases highlighted the role of an automated system that mistakenly led to the nose of the aircraft as pilots struggled to control it. Both accidents killed 346 people.
Njoroge, like many families of victims, has filed a lawsuit accusing Boeing Co. of negligence.
He has not been able to work since the accident that occurred during his family's visit to Kenya, their country of origin. Obtaining justice is the only thing that makes him get up in the morning, he said.
"For most of these families, our lives have completely stopped with the accident," he said. "What motivates us now, is to be an advocate for aviation safety."
He will testify in Congress at Wednesday's hearing, along with Dana Schulze, Acting Director of the Bureau of Air Safety of the National Bureau of Transportation Safety, and representatives of aviation workers' unions.
"I have nightmares"
Boeing has not yet been called to testify.
In an e-mailed statement, Boeing said she deeply regretted the loss of life and that she would work with communities, customers and the aviation sector to contribute to the process of healing. "These incidents and lost lives will continue to weigh heavily on our hearts and minds for years to come," he said.
In a written statement before Reuters before the hearing, Njoroge said he wants Congress to investigate not only Boeing, but also the US Federal Aviation Administration's certification process, which said the plane was safe.
The Boeing 737 MAX was grounded around the world after the crash of Ethiopia in March. Before the model was allowed to fly again, Njoroge said he and other families wanted recertification of the entire aircraft, whose original design dates back to the 1960s.
The grounding of the model after the first accident would have saved his family, he said. Now there are only sold cartridges – filled with children's art and Ryan's football – that he hopes will be strong enough to see them again someday.
"I often think about their last six minutes. My wife and my mother-in-law knew that they were going to die. They had to comfort the children during these last moments, "said Njoroge in his written testimony.
"I have nightmares about the fact that they had to hang on to their mother, cry, see the fear in her eyes."

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Paul NjorogeBoeing 737 MAXEthiopian Plane Crash

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