A man killed in the crash of Ethiopian Airlines wanted to surprise his family in Kibera


Families from different parts of the world continue to mourn the deaths of their loved ones killed on Sunday in the crash of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302.

Abdulahi Ibrahim, 34, is one of 32 Kenyans who died on the flight to Nairobi. His family is still coping with the death of his loved one.

A few hours before boarding flight 302 Ethiopian Airlines, Abdulahi spoke with his sister Aisha.

Aisha had not seen her brother for nearly a year and was delighted with the meeting.

"The last time I saw my brother, it was a year ago, when he was coming back from vacation," said Aisha.

"I spoke to him the night before he boarded. He said I should not tell the extended family that he was coming. He wanted it to be a surprise. "

Four days later, the mourners continue to go to Abdulahi's home in Nairobi's Kibera neighborhood.

Abdulahi's family now hopes to at least bury his loved one. Abdulahi's uncle, Osman Abdulahi Taban, spoke with VOA.

"The way I spoke to my brother, I told him that even if a room could be identified, it would be nice for him to come with her so we could bury her," she said. said Abdulahi.

Sunday's crash is the deadliest in Ethiopian Airlines history.

The plane, a Boeing 737 Max 8, sank just six minutes after takeoff near the Ethiopian city of Bishoftu, killing the 157 pbadengers on board.

Five months earlier, another Boeing 737 Max 8 was crushed in the Java Sea off Indonesia, killing 189 people.

On Monday, Ethiopian Airlines regional director Yilma Goshu announced that the airline was blocking its fleet of Max 8s, a decision followed by most airlines and countries around the world.

"But that does not mean that the incident was related to defects on this specific fleet. But we took this as an extra security measure, "said Goshu.

The flight data recorder and the badpit voice recorder were sent to Paris for a detailed badysis.

At the same time, Ethiopian Airlines has airlifted 64 relatives of the victims to the crash site. Abdulahi's wife and father were among them.

Their hopes of finding a part of Abdulahi's body to bury are slim. On Wednesday, a spokeswoman for the airline said that no body had been found at the crash site. It seems that the force of the accident has sprayed all the bodies.

As Abdulahi's family continues to cry, she hopes she will find the closure she needs, with or without her remains.

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