African agreement highlights UAE peacemaking role


Mohammad Bin Zayed Welcomes Eritrean and Ethiopian Leaders and Praises Efforts to End Conflict

Abu Dhabi: The United Arab Emirates on Tuesday hailed the bold and historic peace moves by Eritrean and Ethiopian leaders to Ending their conflict While he was hosting on Tuesday the leaders of both countries in Abu Dhabi, His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, said that the peace agreement lead to cooperation and coordination among neighbors and help to fulfill the aspirations of their citizens for peace, development and prosperity, as well as enhancing security and stability in the Horn from Africa and in the region.

Eritrean Isaias Afwerki were warmly welcomed by Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed at the Presidential Palace on Tuesday.

On the rapprochement between the two Horns Sheikh Mohammad said the two neighbors and their leaders had demonstrated the will and determination to normalize relations and overcome many years of conflict and instability. "19659003" This is a model that can inspire others and should be used to resolve conflicts. in Africa and in other parts of the world, thus strengthening regional security and stability and opening up wider areas of cooperation. "

He also noted that UAE leaders and their peoples would be delighted to see all parts of the world peaceful, safe and prosperous.

"The UAE stands ready to actively badist in the restoration of peace, coexistence and development," he added. [19659003] Eritrea and Ethiopia have been involved in hostilities for nearly two decades between the two African neighbors in 1998 over a border dispute.

The conflict killed more than 80,000 people and at least 350,000 people living along the border on both fronts.After the thaw of their relations earlier this month, the leaders of the two countries visited each other and last week, Eritrea has reopened the embbady of his country to Addis Ababa

He made his first flight to Asmara in two decades, bringing joy to the faces of thousands of people from both countries.

The two countries will also play a friendly football game next month.

Earlier this month, Dr. Anwar Gargash, UAE Foreign Minister, said in a tweet that the UAE has become a major partner in the Horn of Africa and the leader of the Arab presence in the United Arab Emirates

. 19659003] DP World plans to set up a logistics center in Ethiopia to facilitate the transport of goods to landlocked countries in Africa.

Theodore Karasik, Middle East business expert, said that the UAE's capacity in Ethiopia and Eritrea are at this moment very important for the country's strategy and also for the country. future of the Red Sea and maritime transport.

"The Emirati Maritime Vision is an important and growing factor. "Ethiopia and Eritrea are both important players in the Horn and rectifying their dispute put Abu Dhabi ahead in a very positive way," he told Gulf News.

Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign and International Affairs of the UAE Cooperation also welcomed the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea.

In a statement on WAM on July 9, Shaikh Abdullah said, "The re-establishment of diplomatic relations will have a positive impact on security and stability." He hailed the historic step of Ahmad and Abdullah. Afwerki, adding that this initiative represents great political wisdom and the courage of both leaders.

Afwerki met with leaders in Saudi Arabia before coming to Abu Dhabi

– With contributions from Reuters [19659003]

Honored Leaders of the Order of Zayed

Presiden His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan On Tuesday Presented the Order of Zayed to Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad, in recognition of their efforts to end the conflicts between their countries and contribute to peace and stability in the region

His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zay Ed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, introduced the Order to the two leaders. He praised the efforts of the two African leaders to establish security and stability.

Afwerki and Ahmad stated that they were proud to be honored of this order and that they appreciated the efforts of the UAE to support peace and development in their countries. as his role in building bridges of friendship, cooperation and peace with different nations. Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed then organized a lunch banquet in the honor of Afwerki and Ahmad.

Ethiopia-Eritrea: Relaxation follows decades of discord

Tripartite summit in Abu The resumption of commercial fighting between Ethiopia and Eritrea in the beginning this month marked Tuesday the last stage of a peace process that, in just six weeks, drew a line in a fierce conflict. Here is a recap of the stalemate between the Horn of Africa's neighbors and their accelerated reconciliation:

1962: The last Ethiopian emperor, Haile Selbadie, proclaims the following. annexation of Eritrea, effectively making a province. Eritrea launches a war for independence that lasts nearly 30 years.

1991-93: Eritrean rebels, who help to overthrow the Ethiopian military-Marxist regime of Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam, seize the Eritrean capital Asmara. They achieved their total independence in 1993, a secession blessed by Addis Ababa. However, the 1,000-kilometer border between neighbors is not properly defined and the movement deprives Ethiopia of its only point of entry into the Red Sea.

May 1998: Skirmishes break out after the entry of Eritrean forces into the Badme region. claiming the city under the borders drawn during the Italian colonial rule. The fighting spreads and in June the belligerents carry out air strikes. The ensuing conflict is marked by trench warfare and large-scale battles, alternating with long periods of calm.

May 2000: Fighting against flares again. A fierce bombardment of Eritrea turns the conflict in favor of Ethiopia, while indirect negotiations resume in Algiers. Fighting costs 80,000 lives

June 2000: Both parties reach an initial peace agreement that allows the deployment of a United Nations peacekeeping force in a buffer zone border.

December 2000: A peace pact establishes a border commission based in The Hague

2002: The commission allocates to Eritrea pieces of land along from the border, including Badme. But Ethiopia rejects the decision and demands an "interpretation, correction". The commission refuses. Ethiopian forces continue to occupy Badme. Deadlock delays the physical demarcation of the border

May 2006: Amidst fears of a new total war, the talks in London are failing to put an end to the 39; impbade. In June, Ethiopia claims to have killed more than 110 rebels allegedly sent by Eritrea, which she denies.

June 2018: The new Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmad announces that his country will comply with the 2002 decision requiring the surrender of territory, including Badme. The decision triggers a lightning peace process

July 8: Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki greets Abiy in Asmara and jubilant crowds invade the streets. Leaders say that they will reopen embbadies and borders between them, taking over diplomatic, commercial and transportation relations. Direct telephone calls are restored for the first time in two decades

9 July: The neighbors say that "the state of war that existed between the two countries has come to an end".

July 16: Afwerki reopens the Eritrean embbady in Addis Ababa, at the end of a three-day emotional trip to Ethiopia.

July 18: An Ethiopian Airlines plane leaves for Addis Ababa, during the resumption of commercial flights between capitals

July 24: Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed is organizing a tripartite meeting with President Afwerki and Prime Minister Ahmad in Abu Dhabi. Sheikh Mohammad hails the historic step taken by the two leaders to end their conflict, and says the UAE supports all efforts to bring peace and stability to the world as a key to sustainable development

– Compiled by WAM & AFP

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